You are here Platform Menu, Backup and Platform/Suite installer.


Submitted by computechx on November 21, 2006 - 1:06pm

Let me start by saying that PortableApps Menu is the best looking portable menu I've seen so far. And I've tried dozens.
I do have a few suggestions.
1. Use config or ini files to build the menu instead of scanning for exe's.
You could load the app list from a central config on startup.
Then if the "Refresh App Icons" is pressed, scan for app config files (I notice the app/appinfo/appinfo.ini) and rebuild the central config from them.
If the "Install a New App" button is pressed have it browse for the exe, and build the app config file. (useful for "non_portableapps" apps)

2. Not related to portable apps, but if you have the time, I would like to see PortableApps Menu run from a customizable button rather that the systray. (I've been searching forever for a decent replacement for nu2menu for bartpe) I think the entire Portable Apps Suite would be fantastic for this.


Submitted by BillDrew on November 21, 2006 - 1:04pm

How about some documentation that states that all applications are not installed in the root but in subdirectories under Portableapps?

PortableApps Menu

SHADOW-XIII's picture
Submitted by SHADOW-XIII on November 21, 2006 - 7:51am

erm ... will be there source code ? link given in readme does not work and I cannot find source code
since I would like to make further modifications:
- support for bigger icons
- turning off auto-fade (or setting time limit)
- backuping works a bit faulty if directory is on for exampel C: it backups whole C drive Shock
- some more tweaks maybe ...

Portable Apps Menu - Scaling problem on high resolution desktops

Submitted by Monk on November 20, 2006 - 8:28pm

I've downloaded and "installed" the Portable Apps Suite Basic, to take a look at the new menu app.

When I launch the menu, it doesnt display well. The graphic background is too small and does not reach all the way to the lower right of the menu. It appears that all the elements are invisibily in place. I do no click on the graphic "X" to close, but some invisible spot in the lower righ, where the "X" should be, if the background had scaled correctly.

Here is a screenshot -


I'm not sure where to post
feature ideas, so here is one...

Portable Apps menu help?

Submitted by Nathan Booms on November 20, 2006 - 5:06pm

I decided to install the Portable Apps Menu (base version) and moved my Portable Apps and some other apps that aren't from this site, but are still considered portable. The problem is that some of these have two or more .exe files in their main folder, which means that PAM shows all those .exe files. Any way to get it to only show one?
