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Toucan 2.2.1 copy empty folders and sub-folders

Submitted by minimal on June 15, 2010 - 9:38am

I have a probelm with the "sync" function:

I want copy or update same files and folders from my desktop to an usb-device. I define some rules to exlude some file-types and some folders by name.

I choose "copy" and click PREVIEW: Toucan don't show the excluded files - perfect! BUT Toucan show the excluded folders in red ("if needed")

I click RUN and Toucan copy the red marked folder (and there sub-folders) to the destination. The red marked folders and all there sub-folders are empty in the destination.

pick and choose option for tasks

Submitted by szol on June 12, 2010 - 3:29am


Is there any possibility to select/deselect folders, files before the synchronisation or backup task? If I compare two folders, I see in the preview the differencies and the tasks to be performed. If I f.ex. don't want to have one folder or file copied, I would like to be able to deselect it.

(same option like Puresync offers, which is not available portable)

Not encrypting

Submitted by terryhurst on June 9, 2010 - 5:56am

I have used Toucan 2.2.1 to encrypt the files on a flash drive, it goes through the process with each file and says its finished but after exiting you can still open each file and read them.
Any suggestions please.

error using @volume@ to substitute for drive letter

flippertie's picture
Submitted by flippertie on May 31, 2010 - 6:43am

I have Toucan on a USB drive (label USB1TB), and a working backup job for the My Documents folder.

I want to make the job flexible using variables so it's not dependant on the PC its used on and other peripherals etc.

When target drive is: F:\Backups\LaptopMyDocs the job works

I changed this to: @volume@\Backups\LaptopMyDocs and hit Preview.

The displayed drive changes to: USB1TB\Backups\LaptopMyDocs, but on Preview all files and folders are blue (= will be copied) which is incorrect - they are already on the drive.

Suggestions - Allow Reversal of Source and Destination; Copy/Rename Jobs

Submitted by piz on May 23, 2010 - 11:04am

For mirror jobs where I use my stick as a conduit to mirror one computer on another (A mirrors to stick, stick mirrors to B, and vice-versa), I always have to create two jobs, a "from" and a "to" that are identical except that the source and destination are reversed. Providing a setting that tells Toucan which side should be considered the source for a given run would eliminate the need for two jobs.

Note that an equalize job does not provide the correct functionality for this, as it will copy files that a mirror job will (correctly, for this purpose) delete.

Mirror Syncing Ignoring Rules?

Darkbee's picture
Submitted by Darkbee on May 13, 2010 - 12:43pm

Toucan, Toucan! I love you so, but why do you still continue to confuse me with your synchronizing ways? Pardon

I suppose the first thing to do is to clarify exactly what "Mirror" does. If understand correctly it's basically a "Copy" and "Clean" in one action, correct? So files are ALWAYS copied from the source regardless?

To explain what I'm trying to do:

Toucan not creating folders when @date@ variable used

Submitted by robertcis on May 2, 2010 - 9:18pm

When using the @date@ variable in the backup location PATH (as per screenshot in link below) Toucan errors because the folder does not exist.
It also errors if the higher level folder does not exist (i.e may have been moved) in this example 'BACKUP'.
Basically Toucan is not creating the higher level folders automatically.
I am using Windows OS'es.


Differential backup unexpectedly larger than base file

Submitted by mongs on April 23, 2010 - 8:15pm


I created a base file (~50BG) in February and have since made 3 differential backups. The first two are small (~1MB) and were made in February. The third backup is larger than the base file (53GB) and was made in April. However, I have definitely not changed all of the 175GB that I'm backing up. I've probably only changed ~10GB at most. I noticed in the progress box that it was compressing files that I have definitely not altered, moved or accessed.

I need a guide for toucan

Submitted by santawen on April 12, 2010 - 11:10pm

Hi, everyone. I am a new user to toucan.
I felt Toucan was hard to use, and I think the webpage(using toucan) is too simply. so I want to find a guide or tips for it. Anyone can help me?

and I still have a question: Do toucan can sync multi folders? look like this:
I have 10 diffrents folders in myData , but I just want to sync 7 of 10, how can I achieve the result?
