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Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Game: CorsixTH Portable

Submitted by RAMChYLD on August 29, 2013 - 11:07am

CorsixTH is an open-source project meant to create a replacement runtime/engine for the classic Bullfrog game Theme Hospital. It's in somewhat active development and in a state of early releases and it does require assets from the original game disc or demo like early OpenTTD releases, but it's already flawlessly playable from start to finish with the exception of certain in-game challenges (i.e. rats and epidemic, bonus levels).

Encryptet portable Facebook client

Submitted by Bournout3000 on August 29, 2013 - 7:41am

On our School Facebook is blocked and then I had the Idea of an Facebook client but the connection has to be encrypted otherwise the Page will be blocked by a programm called Squidhost. The browsers also dont allow cookies, so when you can open the Facebook Page you can't login. For the encryption a ssh connection could work but for the cookie-problem I could'nt find an answer because on the computernetwork in our school we need a Adminpermission to enable them.

Photoscape Portable

Submitted by flo_reggae on August 25, 2013 - 7:08pm

Hello everybody,

would it be possible to make a portable version of Photoscape?

I know it's not Open Source but it's Freeware.
The license states the following:

You can use Photoscape at home or school or office or company or internet cafe for all purposes.
You cannot sell or do any monetization related activity but you can download/install/give/send Photoscape to your family, friends, students and company colleagues.
You cannot modify or disassemble Photoscape and you cannot use Photoscape for illegal purposes.

QLandkarte GT

Submitted by prmferreira on August 23, 2013 - 8:47am

QLandkarte GT

Open Source

QLandkarte GT is a powerful Open Source GIS application to display your GPS data on a variety of maps. It's target is less the scientific user but the private outdoor aficionado with a crush on hightech equipment. It's easy to plan, evaluate and archive your trips into the wild green by QLandkarte.


Source code:

Compiling on Windows:
