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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.

Tux Football

horusofoz's picture
Submitted by horusofoz on May 12, 2011 - 6:49am

Name: Tux Football


License: GPL

Description: Tux Football is a great 2D soccer (sometimes called football) game for Windows and Linux. It's bringing old style gameplay from DOS times back to the desktop with up to date graphics! It's gameplay is similar to old classics such as Amco's Kick Off and Sensible Software's Sensible Soccer.

Some stock ticker

Submitted by vstrato on May 11, 2011 - 2:37pm

Hello everyone,

Been using portableapps for about a month now... This is truly wonderful !

One portable app i'd like to be able to use is a stock ticker (I have no particular name in mind.)

Thanks !

[Given a meaningful title - mod Chris]


Shaske's picture
Submitted by Shaske on May 10, 2011 - 9:56am

So, I know its not that important, and I'd understand if no one wanted to waste their time with it, but I'd love it if I could have a SecondLife viewer as a portable app. You see, I use portable apps here at school. What I normally do to make an app is just take the app and its components, put it in a folder, put that folder in the portable apps folder, then reboot portable apps, and it puts it in that format for some reason.


Submitted by Rapscallion on May 7, 2011 - 9:23pm

Program: MadAppLauncher

License: GPLv3

Description: Group applications, folders, scripts, etc. with ease. It supports drag and drop and manual editing. There is no need to remember all those hot keys; just activate the application launcher, press one number key to select a tab(group) and another key(letter/symbol) to launch the corresponding application.

