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LibreOffice Portable

LibreOffice too slow for flash drive use?

Submitted by NCL on January 28, 2011 - 9:42am

Running LOP on flash drive is too slow for use. Is anybody else seeing this? Is anybody able to run this on flash drive w/o lagging - Typing, toolbars, menu items all take up to about 5 sec to respond. I started mentioning this in this post in this node:, but thought this may need it's own topic.

Spaces in folder names

Submitted by saronno on January 28, 2011 - 5:39am

After installing LibreOfficePortable in the very same location, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Portables", where OOoP320 is still installed and running (so there is no "long paths" problem) together with many other portable applications, I found out it refused to start because of the spaces in the path.

I momentarily bypassed the obstacle buy moving the LOPortable folder in C:\, but this is not a place where I like to put applications.

Options not being remembered

Submitted by pcmedic on January 27, 2011 - 5:03pm

In Portable LO Writer View Options, when I change the Horizontal & Vertical Ruler to be set in inches it stays set only until I close LO Writer then next time I open Writer the go back to char and line.

Launch1: Launching LibreOfficeWriterPortable.exe directly from within a Truecrypt container on a USB hard disk, not from portable apps platform.

Launch2: Launching LibreOfficeWriterPortable.exe directly from C: drive in C:\temp\LibreOfficePortable, not from portable apps platform.

OS: Windows 7

Localized help packs?

Submitted by christian.kissing on January 27, 2011 - 3:48pm

I was delightet to see that - just as LibreOffice itself - LibreOffice Portable now comes as a multilingual install. Saves a lot of hassle diving for the right package.

Are there any plans to pack localized help packs in a portable installer as well?

So far I've helped myself by a) saving the original .xsl files in
into a zip archive then copying the contents of
[systemdrive]\Program Files\LibreOffice 3\Basis\help\
into that folder.

Can not install Libre Office when OOo portable is open

Submitted by lighthouse on January 27, 2011 - 2:42pm

Please close all instances of Libre OpenOffice PE and then click OK. The portable app can not be upgraded while is is running.
Its the first time i install Libre portable, upgraded?
After closing OOo portable installing is no problem.

OOo portble v3.2.0
Libre Office v3.3.0

Are more people having this "problem"?



Long Paths and Odd Characters

Submitted by tortugo23 on January 27, 2011 - 11:31am

Known issues state, "LibreOffice doesn't like running from overly long paths. So, while it will work directly from your desktop... if you have it within a subdirectoy on your desktop, it will probably fail claiming that some files are corrupted."

Mine doesn't run on the desktop or anywhere on my computer. I wanted to try out LibreOffice without installing it. I don't know if it is LibreOffice or the portable version, but after putting it onto my flashdrive and opening it up, it doesn't function.
