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Utility Apps Support

VMMap is not valid problem

Submitted by Teom@n on August 17, 2023 - 2:42pm

There was this warning when I tried to update VMMap therefore I downloaded the package from here and tried to install manually but the result is same.
I downloaded the latest version VMMap v3.33 from and changed manually. It worked like that but the updater alert me there is new update v3.32.

So I uninstalled the VMMap and try to reinstall online and manually but there is still this app not valid problem. Now I cannot install it.

How can I fix this problem?

Rufus 4.2 does not clean temporary files

Submitted by Dealx on August 3, 2023 - 5:38pm

Each time Rufus 4.2 is started, RufXXXX.tmp (language messages, >1M) is created in app directory and not deleted once Rufus is closed.
Also reproducible with original rufus-4.2p.exe file, without PortableApps environment. Definitely a Rufus bug, not a PortableApps one.
So, if Rufus 4.2 is started N times, then N+ megabytes is occupied in Rufus app directory.
Not reproducible with Rufus 4.1 or older.

How to show up an Start-Icon on Main-page, from 3rd-party Software?

Submitted by Pberlin on June 16, 2023 - 3:18pm

Good Evening,

short Time ago I'd downloaded and installed the Stick-Version of my Favorite Banking-Software, Wiso Mein Geld.
I has installed itself in the Main-Folder, not X:\PortableApps, the Reason is unknown.

My Problem is: how I create an Start-Icon in the Main-Menu, without browsing manually to C:\WISO Mein Geld ??

It seems, I don't understand this system, Sorry for that!

Thanks and Kind Regards

