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Utility Apps Support

EverythingPortable as a Service

Submitted by NorbertK on October 4, 2022 - 4:21am

Hello all,

i want to start EverythingPortable as a service and clicked accordingly in the Erverything interface. And indeed the service is started.

But if I try to search something and click on EverythingPortable in the Launcher to open the interface I get an Error saying that an insance of Everything is already running.

When I clkick ...\App\Everything\Everything.exe or Everything64.exe durectly it works .

Is this a configuration problem of sorts ?

Thanks a lot !


Win 11 Freecommander should have a setting for the settings directory

Submitted by NorbertK on September 14, 2022 - 5:26am

Hello all,

i have Freecommander installed in Portableapps and the config lives in the settings subdirectory

C:\.... \PortableApps\FreeCommanderPortable\Data\settings , everything is fine .

When I start FreecommanderPortable.exe with a shortcut everything is fine ( because of the startdirectory C:\.... \PortableApps\FreeCommanderPortable)

But when I start FreeCommanderPortable from the Win 11 Taskbar it does not load its confguration.

This can be corrected with the following setting:

CubicExplor's View (Thumbnail) Function Is Disabled After A Search

Submitted by Caxtin1 on August 11, 2022 - 11:22pm

Just downloaded the current version 0.95.1 Rev 2.
I really love CubicExplorer so much since it's lightning quick to search the directories, except for one very important function.

After a search for a particular file type, the VIEW function gets disabled; this kinda defeats the purpose of searching something. Say I search for JPG files, it will quickly show me the found files, but I cannot view the thumbnails, since that function will be automatically disabled/greyed. Is there any solution to this very important function?


[Fixed] Process Monitor update/installation bug

Submitted by devotee on August 11, 2022 - 8:24am

When I tried to update this specific app (version 3.89 to 3.90), it gave me an error (a problem downloading the binaries from Manually downloading the file does work.

I also tried to download the ProcessMonitorPortable_3.90_online.paf.exe to try to do a "clean" installation and it also fails with the same error. Details given by the installer:
