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Cannot run 7-ZIP @ sch

Submitted by 04nunhucks on February 20, 2007 - 8:30am

The admins @ school blocked 7 zip as it allowed access to shares to which pupils should not be able to access. However, i use 7ZIP to copy files over to my workspace and my USB drive. I need to be able to use it again. I have the source of it but it is in C++ and i only know Visual Basic and KiXscripting. How do I change all the texts 7ZIP to something else?

Asking the technicians to unblobk it is not an option as I had the software blocked in the first place (in a way).

7-Zip: Encryption merits

Submitted by Joseph_N on January 23, 2007 - 3:59pm

Background: TrueCrypt requires admin privileges on the host machine, even in Traveler mode. Some slick program I assembled using GPG and 7za does not seem to work for me anymore, and I cannot figure out why. So that leaves me, I think, with 7-Zip's encryption feature if I want to protect files on my USB and to use them in Windows machines with limited user privileges. Besides, 7-Zip is on my USB, so I may as well not load another program if it's not necessary.

7-Zip: Question

Submitted by HugoRamos on December 24, 2006 - 4:28pm

I want to use the "associate with" option in 7zip on my own computer, but obviously since that would require having to write stuff to the registry it wouldn't work properly if I'm running 7zFM.exe under the portable launcher. But if I didn't use 7zipPortable.exe and ran 7zFM.exe by itself, would this option work properly? Basically, what's in the 7zipPortable\App directory is a compressed version of what I would find in the "C:\Program Files\7zip" had I installed 7zip, correct? So is there any reason why this wouldn't work?

Suite 7-zip

Submitted by jeb5000 on December 11, 2006 - 10:20am

When I click on 7-zip in 'Portable Apps Menu' it tries to unzip 7-zip.
There appears to be a self extracting exe file that the menu sees. '7-ZipPortable' is in a sub folder in this first directory. Had to copy it to the PortableApps directory to get 7-zip portable to work. It was installed this way by the new suite download.

Directory structure was
PortableApps, 7ZipPortable, 7-ZipPortable, App/Data/Other

7-Zip: Certain settings won't 'stick'.

Submitted by jy87 on November 17, 2006 - 8:38am

I don't know if it's just me or if I've missed anything, but the 'shell context menu' settings just won't 'stick'.

To be more specific, while the checkboxes in the Options menu stay ticked, they're not (really) doing what they're supposed to do. Sometimes they work, but only for a short while after I confirm the settings.

I checked all except the two 'email' options (Compress (to Archive) and email). And after awhile (I don't know how long), some options go missing. Specifically (if I'm not mistaken):

Extract files...
Extract to folder
Add to Archive

and even then, the remaining options usually only work a short while after confirming the settings. Right now, however, they won't work at all.
