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Utility Apps Support

TeamViewerPortable closes after 5 minutes

Submitted by RogerL on August 21, 2021 - 3:14pm

I have been using TeamViewerPortable to support friends and family for many years.

Today I get a pop up "Your current TeamViewer plan does not include connections to customised TeamViewer modules." A bit silly because I don't have a plan.

It allows connection but forces closure after 5 minutes.

Anyone else seeing this? Did TeamViewer make a change that PortableApps needs to handle?

AutoRuns v13-100_PAF

Submitted by Russell English on August 20, 2021 - 8:59am

Two days ago System Internals released v14.00 of AutoRuns.
Unfortunately v14.00 does not support Win-7.
I have four Win-7 PRO x64 machines to maintain.

My understanding is PAF editions are 32-bit.
Will the 32-bit PAF fully support my 64-bit machines ?
Thank you

CrystalDiskInfo Portable 8.12.5 MSE blocked explorer.exe DefenseEvasion.a!ml

Submitted by SGvagon on August 12, 2021 - 4:28pm


I tried download CrystalDiskInfo Portable 8.12.5, at the end of installation I checked option, that I want start program after install. But then explorer.exe shut down/crashed and MSE (Microsoft security essentials) show table with No action necessary. I started explorer.exe via Task Manager and in quarantine MSE I had DefenseEvasion.a!ml virus that is contained in explorer.exe .
So I restarted system and MSE blocked explorer.exe again. Only solution for solving this issue was reinstall MSE.

[Fixed] HWiNFO Can't save sensor settings

Submitted by Laow34 on July 26, 2021 - 1:00pm

Hello dear users of the PortableApps

Okay, after starting, HWiNFO either does not save individual sensor settings at all, or saves them in the registry(HKCU\Software\HWiNFO32 or HKCU\Software\HWiNFO64)
I don't know how to fix that as I don't have the source of the project also official HWiNFO(not PortableApps format) saves directly to registry so I can't tell that the official one is portable

Any help will be appreciated

My OS Windows 10 Pro (17134.81) 64-BIT

Process Monitor Portable V3.80

Submitted by Vixavaguba on May 26, 2021 - 4:16pm

Dear all,
it is not possible to get the a. m. application downloaded and installed neither with the following link:
nor via the PortableApps Platform Menu on my USB stick.
Something seems to be broken with this the deployment of this tool unfortunately despite I got an
update offered first today.

Are any details about the reason available or is anybody able to fix the problem?

World Clock

Submitted by Cadmium on February 16, 2021 - 1:31pm

the website forwards to watchshopping dot com and the program just sits there at loading.....

i wondered why it needed internet access instead of just using the system time

too bad, looked like a nice program
