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AbiWord: Dictonary installer

Submitted by ed666 on April 21, 2011 - 5:35pm


i don't know if i post this message at the right place, if not i'm sorry

I made a dictionary installer for Abiword portable but i don't know if there would be any interest here and where i could or should post it.

It's based on a standard plugin installer and it installs all the available dictionary's to the dictionary folder in de app folder.

As far as i know this is legal (correct me if i'm wrong)

Sunbird: Appointments showing 1hr early

Just1Ghost's picture
Submitted by Just1Ghost on March 22, 2011 - 5:46pm

Hello, all...

I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed any discrepancies as far as the scheduled appointments showing as starting one full hour earlier in the month view than in the edit view, or even in the view you get when you hover your mouse over the scheduled event. Is there a way to change/fix/eradicate this?!? It's really quite annoying/problematic...

Thanks, all!!!


Sunbird finished ?

Submitted by DADSGETNDOWN on March 18, 2011 - 11:58pm

Is Sunbird finished for good ?. I see at the web site it says this is the last public release and they recommend upgrading to Thunderbird and Lightning, but I prefer to have "just" a simple, easy, quick, local calendar, I don't even really use Thunderbird.

Using SunBird Portable on Corp.Networks using HOMEDIRECTORY as Profile Source

Submitted by axel1973 on February 4, 2011 - 5:58am

Hi there Devs!

Is there realy no way to force the Sunbird Portable to load/write its profile to a absolute path like H:\sunbird\profile ?!?!?

Would make our life easier to have no installations but a "network installation" which would push out "predefined default profiles" to the "new users" which dont have one yet, and store them on the users homedrive. which would make it possible to run it from one source-drive multiple times concurrently.


best regards

Is there a PDF IMPORT PLUGIN for ABIWORD 2.8.6? Or Built in option?

Submitted by Logos A on September 2, 2010 - 8:08am

ABIWORD has removed the individual plugin installers,and the windows installer only installs to the local drive.And there is no option in the installer to install PDF support.Also the plugin install tutorial here seems to be outdated,or lacking some steps

can anyone help me?

[Fixed] AbiWord fails to start after splash due to MSVC

Submitted by BouncyHat on August 25, 2010 - 8:47pm

The splash window for Abiword appears, but once it goes away the application immediately terminates. Abiword never starts.

I do use OpenOffice, but I have been finding it to be a bit sluggish, slow at starting up, and the fact that while I am working on a document it seems to randomly freeze for a minutes.

This is the reason I am trying to get Abiword to work, to see if it is any better/faster.

The PortableApps Suite is installed on the root of a flash thumb drive.

MojoPac is not installed, and has never been installed.

Sunbird: Printing on 11x17 paper

Submitted by thafrogggg on July 29, 2010 - 10:07am

I am trying to get my calendar to print on 11x17 paper. It will print on the paper, but it does not use the entire sheet to do so.

If I print it out in portrait mode, it only uses the upper part of the sheet. It is about the size that a 8.5x11 sheet would look if it were in landscape mode.

If I print in landscape mode, it will fill the page from left to right, but there is still about 4 inches of empty space on the bottom.

How can I get the calendar to fill out the page to all margins, or can I?

Sunbird: Getting events to properly align in month view

Submitted by thafrogggg on July 29, 2010 - 10:06am

I have an event that runs on multiple days in a week and for astetic reasons, I would like it to be listes first each day so it is like a banner along the week. This is not currently happening. It looks as if the events are being listed in alphabetical order each day. I have tried to "Drag and Drop" the event in the position I want it for a day, but it will not move. Is there a way to do this?
