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Office Apps Support

Error in the Sunbird Launcher ?

Submitted by tsyr2ko on November 24, 2006 - 11:45pm

I am looking in the SunbirdPortable.nsi and i think there is a problem in it.

At line 117, we have ReadEnvStr $APPDATAPATH "APPDATA"
And, after that, on line 198, there is something like this
IfFileExists "$APPDATA\Mozilla\Sunbird\*.*" CheckIfRunning

Assuming the syntax of ReadEnvStr
the Environment variable will be stored into $APPDATAPATH variable

So the line 198 (and some others near line 383) would be
IfFileExists "$APPDATAPATH\Mozilla\Sunbird\*.*" CheckIfRunning

Sunbird: snooze button

Submitted by daisy on November 15, 2006 - 4:45am

first thanks for you work on the portable Apps! It's really great.
When I downloaded Sunbird 0.3 I did not get a "snooze for X minutes" button after an alarm showed. Does anybody else not have the button? Is it a bug?

Sunbird: SBP consuming too much CPU

Submitted by ciberdom on November 7, 2006 - 5:53am

Greetings to all,

I just started to use Sunbird Portable but I have a problem when I start the program. The first time I run the ".exe" the splash screen appears for a long time, and then the sunbird process starts but no Sunbird window appears, I have to execute it another time and then it works perfectly. The problem is that the first process consum a lot of CPU (98%) which makes mi laptop fan goes crazy. Also, when I close the window of the Sunbird that first process is still running (consuming the same amount of CPU), so I always have to use CTRL-ALT-DEL to acces the process control window and terminate it manually. I have to do this every time I check my calendar (which is several times a day), and that huge amount of CPU used makes almost impossible to run other applications in a smooth way while using Sunbird.

AbiWord: portable and yet?

Submitted by Wwhat on November 2, 2006 - 12:17am

I thought portable apps were suppose to NOT put permanent stuff on the host system, yet abiword puts several things in the registry and also creates a folder in the person's useraccount folder (C:\Documents and Settings\accountname\AbiSuite) in which it saves the custom dictionary.
Clearly this should not happen heh.
