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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

Panda disables spyware, Portable Gimp stops working

Submitted by pmfrench on October 10, 2006 - 2:05pm

Portable GIMP 2.2.12 has been working well on my Windows XP machine. Today when starting the program, Panda Internet Security 2005 Platinum popped up a dialog reporting that it had neutralized spyware. Portable GIMP then stopped loading with a dialog reporting "gimp-2.2.exe - Unable To Locate Component" in the title bar, "This application has failed to start because intl.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." in the text portion of the dialog.

The Panda popup says the adware it neutralized was "Adware/DesktopMedia" in the location "...\temp\nspf.temp\system.dll"

Installing GhostView with GIMP

Submitted by VictorE on October 9, 2006 - 8:09pm

I've copied the gswin32c.exe to the ..\Portable GIMP\App\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins folder, but I still can't open up PDF's with GIMP.

I get a trio of error messages:

PDF document Message
Error starting ghostscript: Failed to execute child

PDF document Message
Could not interpret ...

GIMP Message
Opening ... failed:

Plug-In could not open image

HowTo send commandline parameter to gimp-2.2.exe?

Submitted by ms_news on September 27, 2006 - 6:49am


first thanks for PortableApps, its a greate job u do.

I work long with PortApps but now i have a problem but no solution.

I will start PortGimp with Parameters but don´t know how.

Normal Gimp i start like this:
./gimp-2.2.exe -c -i -d -b '(script-fu-glossy-logo "$1" 100 "Eras" "Shadows 2" FALSE "Shadows 2" FALSE 5 "255 255 255" FALSE "Electric Blue" FALSE "Electric Blue" FALSE "Parque #1" TRUE TRUE 8 8)'

but how under PortGimp?

I tried this:
AdditionalParameters=-c -i -d -b '(script-fu-glossy-logo "Test" 100 "Eras" "Shadows 2" FALSE "Shadows 2" FALSE 5 "255 255 255" FALSE "Electric Blue" FALSE "Electric Blue" FALSE "Parque #1" TRUE TRUE 8 8)'

gimp 2.2.12 does not start up in alternative directory structure

Submitted by TH on September 11, 2006 - 8:47am

gimp 2.2.12 multilingual does not start up if configured in this non-default directory structure.

Directory with GIMPPortable.exe (PortableApps, for instance)

Following GIMPPortableSource\readme.txt this configuration should work. I get an obviously incomplete information message saying: 'was not found. Please check your configuration'

Error message when starting Gimp 2.2.12

Submitted by peter_g on September 9, 2006 - 6:06am

When starting Gimp 2.2.12 error-messages are occuring "There is no media in the drive. Please insert media".
With pushing the go-on-button (serveral times....), Gimp is starting.

That error - message occures when starting from harddisk as well as when starting from usb-drive.

Does anyone know a solution for that ?
I am using the "multilingual version"


GIMP: No default user dir?

Submitted by SammeyDW on September 9, 2006 - 12:51am

I have installed GimpPortable2.2.12en_us three times.
And each time I had to create and define the user directory becuse there wasn't any premade / defined.
Or else I couldn't make or use my own brushes, patterns, etc.
