GIMP: Quering new plugins...
Gimp looks for new plugins whenever it beginning. This process is very slow in my PC. There is some form to solve it?
New: DesktopSnowOK (Jan 6, 2025), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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Gimp looks for new plugins whenever it beginning. This process is very slow in my PC. There is some form to solve it?
I believe that Portable GIMP leaves a .gtk-bookmarks file in the Documents and Settings\User folder.
When I try to open the help utility, I get the following message:
help.exe Message
The GIMP help files are not installed.
Could not open '...\PortableGIMP\gimp\share\gimp\2.0\help\en\gimp-help.x,l' for reading: No such file or directory
Please check your installation.
Sure enough, it's not there. And I've looked through the zipped archive used to load all this, and I cannot find the file either. Any suggestions?
I am not sure if this is making a difference but the ini file reads:
instead of
Would the NSIS treat this as a "no ini" and default to GTK in the enviornmental variable path?
I've try several time to download this good send portable but whatever the link nothing was working. Anyone can help??
Unzipped, the application folder comes out to 17.5MB, but size on disk is over 31.5 MB (The effective space the program takes because of the sector size; A 1kB file takes up 4kB of space when sector size is 4kB.) Is there any way to run the application from an archive, or leave at least most of those 1700+ files in an archive file on the USB drive so you don't have 80% wasted space? Even an uncompressed archive would save all that space and wouldn't drag performance too much.
I am getting the following error message when I try to run GIMP. Any idea what the problem is?
gimp-2.2.exe - Application Error
The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000142). Click on OK to terminate the application.
Getting this error on launch in the following file? Anyone else having same issue?
AppName: gimp-2.2.exe AppVer: ModName: freetype6.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0002d782
In the CheckPortableAppsSplitDIR: labeled section,
$SETTINGSDIRECTORY never gets set like it does in the rest of sections above it.
Previously mentioned error (test for "..App..", using "..Apps..") seems to be masking this.
Also, Launcher seems to be ignoring the ini file setting for SettingsDirectory.
GIMP asks user to create setting folder in user's home folder on the machine.
Nit pick:
Check your comment in the GIMPEnvironment: labeled section.
Is this an error or intentional?:
IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\App\GTK\bin\*.*" "" UniqueGTKDIR ;=== Shared GTK Directory StrCpy "$GTKDIRECTORY" "$EXEDIR\Apps\GTK\bin" Goto EndINI
Missing 's' in IfFileExists