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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

"...upcoming Wireshark Portable..."?

Submitted by galunt on October 31, 2007 - 12:46pm


Just wanted to touch base and see where you are with the Wireshark Portable that you alluded to in another post.

I contributed the U3 packaging for Wireshark and have recently been working on a Portable Apps version - before seeing your comment. (Is there somewhere else I could find out what was in progress?)

My version is very simple - just packaging, no code changes required to WS itself. It takes the same simple/dumb approach for WinPcap as the U3 version - just runs the installer if it can't detect WinPcap is already installed, and removes it when it's done.

Toucan - Continuous Synchronisation feature?

Submitted by John Easton on October 30, 2007 - 5:31am

In addition to a portable HDD with Toucan I use a PDA running Windows CE which comes with an application called ActiveSync that synchronises the PDA and a PC continuously as changes are made to files on either device.

Is there any chance that a feature of this sort could / will be added to Toucan?


File verification tool

Submitted by dyster_ on October 26, 2007 - 9:57am

I have noticed that the only file verification prog in PA is the md5check, and so I thought I might try to add my own program DySFV wich is a bit more graphical, and checks sfv files (but not md5 yet).
As far as portability goes, it is portable as it is, there are no settings, and the database for remembering hashed files is always located in the same dir.

Creating a Sourceforge project

BuddhaChu's picture
Submitted by BuddhaChu on October 25, 2007 - 6:09pm

I signed up for a Sourceforge account on Sunday and still hadn't received an email on whether is was approved/disapproved/whatever by today (Thursday). Today I go to SF and check out my account as there maybe some little clue there. Guess what? I was approved back last Monday! Either they didn't send me a confirmation email or Gmail's spam filtering software got it.

Point of this post is...login to your SF acct and see if the project is approved or not as you might miss the email.

Good luck!
