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[Fixed] RedNotebook Portable 1.2 rev 2 leaves files behind in LOCALAPPDATA

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on January 1, 2012 - 7:01pm

As reported here, RedNotebook leaves files in LOCALAPPDATA:

Files added:19
C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\PortableApps\Lokale Einstellungen\Anwendungsdaten\webkit\icondatabase\WebpageIcons.db

How can DropBox be placed in the PortableApps list on USB

Submitted by sweetc on December 29, 2011 - 8:11pm

Hello All!

Just installed the portable DropBox software on to my USB.

How can I get DropBox to show up in the Portable Apps Menu List
How can one create categories in the Portable Apps Menu List. I would like to create a "Storage" Category like the ones for "Development" and "Education".

Thanks in advance,


updating chrome browser

Submitted by ss400P0rt on December 27, 2011 - 4:01pm

In September 2011, I installed Portable Chrome Browser 14.0.835.163m in a separate folder on a flash drive. Today,(Dec. 27, 2011) I noticed that there is a new version available, Chrome 16.something. So, I downloaded the new install file. But, when I try to run the installation, I get a message stating that Chrome is already running. I have turned off all my browsers and I still get the message. Do I have to uninstall the old version to install the new? What is required to upgrade Chrome?

Foxit-Reader - update-problem

Submitted by mhonline on December 26, 2011 - 10:06am

the download-page needs an additional warn-info, that the update-feature in FoxitReader is not functioning properly: it will always come as a new full-install in the normal program-path, which conflicts with the portable install, and it always tries to install advertising and "home-calling"-features.
So, even when you face problems in an actual version (and this 5.1 has problems) and an update is availble, be aware not to use it but to wait for the next portable-version !


PNotes 8.5.106 on Win7?

Submitted by sweetnuttin on December 24, 2011 - 11:58pm

Hi all,
First & foremost -- HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!!!

Does PNotes run under Windows 7 X64???

Following is from download page -- NO mention of Win 7!!

PNotes Portable Download 8.5.106 for Windows, Multilingal
1MB download / 3MB installed
· Date updated: 2011-11-18
System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/Vista

Tnx a B I G Bunch!

Sincerely, SueN ;>)

XnView creates recursive directories and takes forever to load

Submitted by billyMass on December 23, 2011 - 3:20pm

it seems XnView is creating recursive folders.
also it takes forever to load.

here is a screenshot from "WinDir portable":

you see how "File1.dat" has "XnView" inside it which has another "File1.dat" inside which has another "XnView" inside it ? is that normal?

Opera Portable intermittently fails to send outgoing mail

Submitted by wpost on December 20, 2011 - 4:42pm

Using Opera Portable 11.50 as an email client, messages sometimes remain indefinitely in the outbox and are not sent.

I am unable to reproduce the problem at will; perhaps 30% of the messages I attempt to send suffer this problem. Doing any of the following sometimes causes the message to be sent, but not reliably:
