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IRON BUG (PRIVACY PROBLEM): IronPortable.exe ignores disk-cache-size setting

Submitted by BUGHUNTER on December 7, 2011 - 10:16am

The IronPortable Application ignores the disk-cache-size setting - this is especially problemtic as it invades your privacy - erasing the disk cache after a session is not a good solution, as these files usually can easily be unerased if you do not use a special eraser app. So it would be best to make IronPortable obey to disk-cache-size=0 setting.

I am calling the app like this:

IronPortable.exe --purge-memory-button --memory-model=low --disk-cache-size=0 --media-cache-size=0

Cannot get Apache Running in XAMPP installation on USB

Submitted by sweetc on December 6, 2011 - 9:31pm


[1] I Installed the XAMPP folder (from the xampp-win32-1.7.7-VC9 folder after unzipping it) to the root of the USB stick. The path appears as:

[2] I installed the XAMPP Launcher 1.5 so that it appears in the list of Portable Apps Applications.

[1] Also, the XAMPP Launcher 1.5 file is located in this path:

[4] The Laucher opens with no problem from the Apps list when clicked on.

Possible Trojan alert in Cornice

Sembazuru's picture
Submitted by Sembazuru on December 6, 2011 - 2:32pm

This may just be a false positive, but McAfee VirusScan Enterprise + AntiSpyware Enterprise 8.8 (as installed and mandatory by my employer, definitions updated today) throws up an alert when trying to install Cornice today. (Been a while since I updated my PortableApps...) Here is the report:

Date and Time: 12/6/2011 14:16:46
Name: C:\Users\cdelliott\AppData\Local\Temp\nspD173.tmp\CornicePortable_0.6.1.4.paf.exe\166.nsis
Detected As: Artemis!1D9C259AEC31
State: Deleted

AkelPad Portable + Win 7 64bit

Submitted by romulous on December 5, 2011 - 4:10am

This may be because I already have AkelPad installed as a local app (just via the normal, non-portable download), but can someone else with Win 7 64bit please check if AkelPad Portable actually runs? When I run it, the PortableApps launcher starts, the AkelPad Portable splash screen shows, and AkelPad.exe shows in Task Manager as well, but nothing else happens. No program window appears, no nothing.

DatabaseBrowser - setting.ini points to wrong directory

Submitted by mhonline on December 5, 2011 - 12:36am


Nice Application (although I just produced a crash on Export an ODBC-connection(Dbase-file) to Excel)
When launchend, the databasebrowser does not find the db.mdb with the settings (saved/default connections) as the portable-launcher points to the wrong directory

to solve this, manually copy the db.mbd
from (..)\portableapps\DatabaseBrowserPortable\App\DefaultData
to (..)\portableapps\DatabaseBrowserPortable\App\DatabaseBrowser


jPortable Launcher: Pass arguments

Submitted by sep on December 4, 2011 - 7:21pm

Using the jPortable Launcher, I am able launch a .jar file using the following syntax:

C:\path\to\JavaPortableLauncher.exe C:\path\to\file.jar

This seems to work as if the following was done from a machine with a localized JVM:

java -jar C:\path\to\file.jar

Sometimes a .jar file needs additional arguments entered for it to work properly. If I add the arguments straight after the path to the .jar file, the launcher treats the arguments as part of the path and says that the .jar file cannot be found.

Chrome Portable 15.0.874.121 MAJOR BUG

Submitted by heiba on December 2, 2011 - 11:22pm

Hello Guys,

Chrome portable version 15.0.874.121 does not process .crx files, I can't install any extensions nor any themes. What happens is that when I try to install a theme for example, the crx is downloaded to my computer normally, but then nothing happens. I use Chrome portable version 13.0.782.107 from Portable-apps, and everything works perfectly fine. In version 13.0.782.107 if I want to install a theme for example, the .crx file is downloaded to my computer then chrome automatically processes it, installs the theme, and deletes the .crx file.

Please fix this issue.


Cubic Explorer Upgrade Issue

Submitted by jegarner on December 2, 2011 - 5:12pm

I have been using the Portable App Platform on a flashdrive for about a year utilizing many of the apps that are available. All of the apps have worked very well and I have been extremely happy keeping all my files on flash drives. However, I recently updated Cubic Explorer from 9.0 to 9.5 and the newer version is very slow. So slow that I went to the other app called Explorer ++.

Has anyone else had any issues with version 9.5?
