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Making Gnumeric a bit smaller

Submitted by iglezz on October 2, 2011 - 4:13pm

A lot of Gnumeric dlls contains a lot of junk, which can be easily ripped off with GNU strip program (part of GCC package)

With magic of strip ( run in command line: for /r x:\gnumeric\files\directory\ %a in (*.exe *.dll) do @strip -s "%a" ) 166Mb of original Gnumeric installation becomes only 44Mb!
And UPX helps us to reduce Gnumeric size to 34Mb.

Further user can delete all unused translations (stored in \share\locale directory) and save about 15Mb, so final size comes to 18-19Mb.

Trojaner in Google Chrome (downloaded @

Submitted by mgutt on September 30, 2011 - 10:16am

After I received an Anti Virus message from Microsoft Essentials I deleted the complete Google Chrome portable apps folder. After restarting I downloaded Chrome Portable through the PortableApps Suite again. Directly after that the Anti Virus message came again:

Erkannte Elemente: PWS:Win32/Zbot

Warnstufe: Schwerwiegend

Kategorie: Kennwortstehlprogramm

Beschreibung: Dieses Programm ist gefährlich. Es zeichnet Benutzerkennwörter auf.

Empfohlene Aktion: Entfernen Sie diese Software unverzüglich.

winMD5Sum.exe md5 hashes

Submitted by GeorgeChr on September 30, 2011 - 6:40am

I downloaded the installers from and, I exacted from each one the winMD5Sum.exe and I calculated the md5 hashes. hash : 0822ec2ba98d291e5bfc836bc3686096 hash : a869749de98e20880c525dab5b8dea7c

I also opened them with 7-Zip and their contents are different.

Why the files are different?

Songbird does not save databases in local folder.

Submitted by elpeedros on September 29, 2011 - 5:22pm

Howdy. I use portable apps at work. I don't install on the root (C:\\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable). I install in some other folder (C:\\user\apps\SongbirdPortable). This is fine and dandy except once you add media files and whatnot, Songbird does not store the databases in that local folder, it installs it to the root (C:\PortableApps\SongbirdPortable\Data\profile\db).

Maxthon Portable download problem.

Submitted by sst on September 25, 2011 - 8:56pm

Maxthon Portable download problem.

Inside the portable software "PA.c Platform 'Next' Pre-Release 3", the updater whant to download a 30 meg file = "Maxthon Portable". It try two times, and display an error that it cant install.

P.S. Why is 30 meg for Maxthon Portable ?

Instead of 17 meg at = ""

Outdated download link removed

Bug in Warzone2100Portable installer (NSIS script)

Submitted by pebcak13 on September 23, 2011 - 3:36am


I found a small bug in the NSIS script from Warzone2100Portable.

!define APPNAME "Warzone 2100"
should be
!define APPNAME "Warzone2100"

Otherwise you have a space inside the ENTRYNAME from the INI-file and this will not work.
I recompiled it and now it works fine.


Edit: I forgot the version: Warzone2100Portable - V2.3.8

How to copy Opera passwords to OperaPortable?

Submitted by jeru on September 22, 2011 - 4:27am

I have Opera installed on my local machine and would like to use
the passwords for my portable version. I've copied all files in my profile
directory and the bookmarks etc are working, except the passwords.

I've tried to copy wand.dat file. But the portable version does not show any passwords, Can anyone help me with this?
