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DM2 portable won't minimize Chrome or Iron

Submitted by Glorfyboy on August 31, 2011 - 1:11pm

DM2 will not minimize Chrome or Iron to the task tray (minimize to floating icon, opacity, and stay on top don't work either), unless they are first minimized to the start bar (or, on second test, if they are right clicked and selected to minimize to tray on the start bar). Otherwise nothing occurs, it just ignores right clicking of the minimize button or right clicking the top bar of the application.

Any thoughts?

Problem Installing Skype (PortableApps)

Submitted by sweetc on August 23, 2011 - 11:37pm


Installed PortableApps Platform (Stable). All apps that have been installed appear to be running well until attempted to install "Skype".

After many installation attempts have received the following messages in sequence.

[1] "The downloaded copy of Skype is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again."

[2] "The installer was unable to download Skype. The installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it. Please try installing again. (ERROR: OK)"

Money Manager Ex Portable

Submitted by daven2411 on August 23, 2011 - 11:03am

Version No. 0.9.7

I am trying to import a QIF file which I have created from Microsoft Money. The import fails at the very end saying it can't find a file called "My Money..txt" ( note the 2 full stops ) which it is trying to display the contents of. In addition, when it has finished importing the transactions for the last century, it dates all further transactions as the curent date. IE it imports 31/12/1999 correctly then all subsequent transactions are dated 23/08/2011. The QIF file contains several thousand transactions.

If you require further info don't hesitate to ask.

[Fixed] VVVPortable - open database with parameter NOK

Submitted by maki_33 on August 22, 2011 - 9:19am

With not-portable-mode it is possible to start VVV with the target database by parameter.
Means i.e. C:\VVV.exe "C:\file.vvv" is opening directly the database.

This is not possible by creating a link to VirtualVolumesViewPortable.exe with same given parameter. Means C:\VVVPortable\VirtualVolumesViewPortable.exe "C:\file.vvv" is not opening VVV with opened database.

With other Portableapps the parameter is directly transfered to the target program. This seems not to work with VVVPortable.

photoshop cs 5 can't start

Submitted by philkho on August 21, 2011 - 11:39pm

My photoshop cs5 portable can't start.
it says, " you are not allowed to write into registry.
Continue anyway.

after i click ok, there's nothing happens although the program is running in task manager.

please help me how to solve this problem coz i need this software pretty much.
thanks in advance.

