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Iron Portable 10.0.650.1 - loses synch settings

Submitted by ratcatcher on April 7, 2011 - 5:34am

Running Iron Portable on my Windows 7 machine, I set up synch and all worked as expected.

Transferred the stick to my XP machine, ran Iron Portable and the synch settings had gone (Wrench -> Options -> Personal Stuff -> Sync just has the "Set up sync..." box again with no settings shown).

This is not unique to Iron - I get the same behaviour with Google Chrome Portable.



Iron Portable 10.0.650.1 - problem installing extensions

Submitted by ratcatcher on April 6, 2011 - 4:37am

This is exactly the same issue which exists for Google Chrome. I can reproduce it with Iron Portable 10.0.650.1 and 10.0.650.0.

I've installed the "normal" version of Iron on an XP and a Windows 7 machine and all works as expected - I can install extensions without problems.

If I run Iron Portable on an XP machine, I can install extensions without problems.

However, on a Windows 7 (and possibly Vista - haven't tested that), I get the following error:

Iron Portable 10.0.650.1 - password box loses focus

Submitted by ratcatcher on April 6, 2011 - 4:20am

(Also happens with10.0.650.0)

When I start Iron Portable with portable passwords enabled, the splash screen appears and then the password box pops up (as expected) but it immediately loses focus.

This doesn't happen with Google Chrome Portable.

Minor irritation, but I thought it worth a mention.


Iron Portable 10.0.650.1 - portable passwords not working

Submitted by ratcatcher on April 5, 2011 - 1:40pm

I downloaded and installed this. I then copied IronPortable.ini to the installation directory and edited the copy so that I had:


I can save the passwords OK on one machine, and view them without problem. When I move the stick to another machine and fire-up Iron, the passwords list shows the URLs but the passwords themselves are blank.

I'm switching between an Windows XP and a Windows 7 machine in case that's relevant.

[Fixed] Explorer++ launcher.ini errors causing settings to not load

Ken Herbert's picture
Submitted by Ken Herbert on April 4, 2011 - 6:28pm

At first I thought it wasn't saving my settings, but then with a little testing I found the config.xml file in /Data/settings was being saved, but my settings would not repopulate on opening the app again.

Looking at the launcher.ini, there are two major problems I can see:
a) The FileWriteN tags are actually spelled FileWiteN
b) Both FileWriteN tags are named FileWrite1

Not sure if the second one is actually an issue, as I haven't really looked into file handling much, but I am pretty certain the first would be causing my issues.

More about PAL ini syntax

Submitted by Devildevilscle on April 2, 2011 - 11:40am

1. Recently i made an app that we usually use at work portable. Yesterday, i borrowed one of my friends laptop and used my portable app on it. The laptop have the same app i made portable installed on it. Hours after i returned his laptop, my friend phoned me complaining that he's program installed(the one i made portable) was somewhat non-functional anymore. This app stores it's settings at the registry. On my Launcher.ini i have

