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Make Two Requests

Submitted by HuShunRen on June 22, 2015 - 1:17am


I Would Love to Make Two Requests, 1.PLEASE Make The Update Speed Of 32 Bit Version And 64 Bit Version of Google Chrome Browser Portable Beta And Developer Build Become 10000000000000Xs Faster, 2.PLEASE Portablize Google Chrome Canary Edition By Add Canary Release Channel.

[Fixed] Cannot install Process Explorer 16.05

byroniac's picture
Submitted by byroniac on June 11, 2015 - 4:12pm

I've tried installing Process Explorer 16.05 through the PortableApps launcher itself and as a PAF file from Sourceforge, and I always get an error message:

The downloaded copy of Process Explorer Portable ( is not valid and cannot be installed. This could be due to an incomplete download or other network issue. Please try running the updater again when complete.

Portable Skype Problem

Submitted by wolfy on June 4, 2015 - 1:50pm

I get basically a 404 error when trying to use Portable Skype.
I've never had any problems with it in the past but today it decided to not run, I've tried clearing my cache and rebooting my computer.
Help please.
Running Microsoft 7 not sure of much else I'm on a desktop and I have no admin privileges.

AIMP doesn't "see" portable media player (Sansa Clip+)

Submitted by Birohazard on June 4, 2015 - 11:30am

Hi all,

For some reason my portable version of Winamp crashed and I've been trying to find a new one, so I thought that I'd try AIMP since people seem to really like it.
The problem is that I'm trying to play music from my Sansa Clip+ but AIMP doesn't "see" it, and even if I look for files instead of folders, it will say after importing it that it can't be found.
I really miss Winamp. Best player ever.


Submitted by numb3rs666 on June 2, 2015 - 8:40am

Hello at All.
Sorry I have a question: qBittorrent have integrated a search engine but it need python installed. Is it possible to use a portable version of Python and have the search engine of qBittorrent working? If yes could you explain how, please.

Many thanks

AutorunsPortable installer not working with unicode path

Submitted by tonecool on June 2, 2015 - 5:12am

When I try to install/extract AutorunsPortable_13.4_English_online.paf.exe to it's default path it fails but when I change path to non unicode one it works.
Default path:

Windows 8.1
