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[Closed] IcoFX Portable 1.6.4 Explorer Context Menu

Submitted by legnakrad on January 21, 2010 - 8:29pm

on program launching the settings are created in / moved to \IcoFXPortable\Data\settings\IcoFX folder and, on program closing are moved / moved back to \IcoFXPortable\Data\settings\IcoFX

if we use the Explorer context menu option, it will create the \IcoFXPortable\Data\settings\IcoFX but it wont be moved on program closing.

in the end we will have two different settings that will overwrite each other, depending on the way we open the application.

Can i save the Search in files result?

Darth GTB's picture
Submitted by Darth GTB on January 21, 2010 - 5:32am

I did a big search in folders for an expression in the text of the files, but need to keep the search results (without the need of every day make the search again and without the need of copy-paste to a txt because i need that expand/colapse feature. Ok, i actually created a user defined language to use in txt for this, but need to know if exist a inteligent way to do things)

for people who didnt understand what i need to save, is this (is not the search i sayd. Just an example):

Search "AAS002" (2664 hits in 701 files)
Line 6: SELECT AAS002

Notepad++ Portable Run F5 does not work properly

Submitted by Bop on January 21, 2010 - 5:29am

Hi everybody,
I am trying to use Notepad++ with LaTeX. It should be possible to use the run (F5) command to enter something like

cmd /c cd /d "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" && pdflatex.exe -shell-escape "$(FILE_NAME)"

In my Windows XP environment, the shell opens in the Notepad++ install directory, but everything after cmd does not seem to have any effect at all. Even if I only write

cmd cd..

nothing changes.
Thanky for your replies,

Notepad++ 5.6.1 ---- Backslash Character "\" displays as W (with a strikethrough)

Submitted by johnfischer52 on January 20, 2010 - 2:42pm

NOTEPAD++ 5.6.1

Inside of a CSS document I'm trying to type the following:

This is part of a CSS file to be used with an XML file.

What appears on-screen is
pro W(with strikethrough):student

Is this an issue with the version? Will it go away with 5.6.4?


Songbird Get Artwork

Submitted by m0d on January 20, 2010 - 1:58am

There were a lot of artworks in the [ SongbirdPortable\Data\profile\artwork ] folder. But, they were not appearing in Songbird.
Is this a problem with Songbird or reference issues with portable app packaging ?

Notepad++ 5.6.4 does not start

Submitted by NiMhurchu on January 15, 2010 - 2:42am

Dear forums,

I have upgraded Notepad++ to the newest PA release 5.6.4.
Since then, it wouldn't start any more. The Notepad++ splash screen comes up, but never disappears unless stopping both processes in the task manager. Notepad++ itself does not appear. Running as administrator does not change this behaviour.

I'm on Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 Bit. The previous release 5.6.3 worked seamlessly.

What can I do to get NP++ running?

Thanks alot!

Additional Eraser Drop Portable Functionality

Submitted by Devo on January 12, 2010 - 1:48pm

Eraser Drop is a great implementation of Eraser, but I think there is one function that would make it great. I think there should be an option to allow it to hook into the delete function of the computer. So if you highlight a file and hit delete (or right-click on a folder and select delete), rather than sent it to the recycle bin it would delete it with Eraser Drop.

This would obviously be optional, but I think it would be a great alternative to having to drag it to the icon.

Notepad++ Portable, PAM doesn't backup data !

Submitted by Mark Sikkema on January 12, 2010 - 12:18pm

I just had a conversation with Prapper about moving or copying settings files, and using MoveFiles.nsh to do this.

Probably it is better for the launcher to copy them at startup, so if a user would use the PAM backup function while the app is running, the settings would still be backed-up. And move them back at exit!

But I (we) realized Motepad++ Portable moves it's settings out of the settings folder while running.

uTorrent suddenly losing files....

Submitted by KiDD420 on January 12, 2010 - 11:33am

So I use uTorrent 24/7
I have ~456 torrents seeding and now uTorrent is randomly losing files...
Error: The system can not find the path specified. BUT the files are there! When I try to open containing folder it says it doesn't exist but I can browse to in in explorer... I try force rechecking it and it says 0.0% but if I change the download location to an absolute instead of relative and force recheck it will work fine with no more problems.... Everytime I complete a new download another torrent comes up missing it seems.....

Any help?
