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WinSCP + Notepad++

Submitted by zedalert on February 25, 2010 - 6:24am

Hi everyone!

I have a lot of portable apps on my usb drive and i'm taking it everywhere, but the only thing that goes wrong is that the drive letter may be different from time to time, so i can't launch program Notepad++ from WinSCP. I have solve the same problem in FreeCommander by using variable %FcSrcDrive%, is there any way like this one how to fix it in WinSCP?

Can't run Speed Tracer in Chrome 5 dev

Submitted by Ocell on February 25, 2010 - 4:36am

I'd like to use the Speed Tracer extension for Chrome 5 dev and it needs the --enable-extension-timeline-api.

I've set the option ins GoogleChromePortable.ini located in \PortableApps\GoogleChromePortableDev\Other\Source:

Google ChromeDirectory=App\Chrome-bin

Google ChromeExecutable=chrome.exe


Skype changes microphone settings

Submitted by ormembar on February 22, 2010 - 2:13pm


first of all I want to thank for another great portable application.

I use portableapps on my home computer to keep the system clean.
I want to use a voice morphing program as standard microphone but every time I start skype it is changed back to a hardware microphone. This used to be no problem with the old tradtionally installed skype.
Is there a way to keep the settings? And yes - I have disallowed skype to change the audio settings.

Kind regards
Andreas Joebges

Information dissapper at utorrent 1.85 portable (under windows7)

Submitted by micmic on February 20, 2010 - 9:20pm

Hey guys,
I have this strange problem, hope you can help me.

I chose ,after a LONG use of utorrent under the xp, to install utorrent 1.85 (and other apps) in its portable version on my new windows 7.

First all went well, but suddenly information disappeared. Suddenly, after I turn the pc on and start utorrent, lots of torrents added after certain date disappeared from utorent. With them it seemed that more information has lost.
