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Where To Store DosBox Games

Submitted by eltonbrad on February 3, 2010 - 7:34am


Does anybody know what I should do with some games I got for DosBox? Should I put them somewhere in the PortableApps/DosBoxPortable/ folder, my main USB drive folder or under Documents (even though it's not made for games. This is my first time trying to run DosBox and I don't know what to do. My USB thumb drive is H:\ am I supposed to mount it like below?

mount c h:\PathOnMyDevice

Also, the games are in zip files. am I supposed to extract them to another folder? Thanks in advance for any help! I really do appreciate it!

Google Chrome 3 not working properly on limited accounts

Submitted by derekmski on February 2, 2010 - 8:54am

I am running the latest version of Google Chrome Portable ( and it is on a limited account. It runs and works fine, but when I close Chrome I get a system message saying "Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator". So Google Chrome Portable must be trying to write to the registry.

Google Chrome Support Forum

Submitted by 8ball on February 1, 2010 - 9:28pm

how about a Forum for Chrome?

after all it's the fastest growing browser, it deserves it's own forum.

and how about updating the portable versions of Chrome stable, beta and developers, the beta and developers versions on this site are a month old!!, several new versions have been released since.

how can I help packaging the new versions into portable format? I want to help.

[FIXED] Foxit Reader Portable leaving file behind

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on January 28, 2010 - 8:53am

I just noticed this morning that Foxit Reader has left the following file (and accompanying folder hierarchy):

%appdata%/Foxit Software/Foxit Reader/Phantom_JsGlobal.Data

[EDIT] As requested below: This behaviour occurred on Vista SP2, using Foxit Reader Portable, and NOT while the program was running.

Note that after having deleted the folder, it has not reappeared no matter what I do with Foxit Reader.

Looks like it's one of those unreproducible bugs.

TaskCoach 0.78.1 can not synchronize with iPhone version

Submitted by melpa on January 23, 2010 - 7:01pm

Has anyone succeded yet with synchronizing the portable version 0.78.1 with the iPhone version of TaskCoach. I am using the latest version from the AppStore and have iTunes as well as Bonjour installed on my computer. If I am using an application to discover Bonjour devices and services on the iPhone then TaskCoach on the computer is listed as available. The iPhone version of TaskCoach does list the TaskCoach on the computer, but does not succed to connect. I am using the windows firewall and have allowed all services for the TaskCoach application.

Thanks for any help or hint.
