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Celesta portable 1.6.0 hang my computer

Submitted by sm6gqw on August 16, 2009 - 3:55pm

New installing Celesta portable 1.6.0 ok.
Running program and get first and second screen ok, before I have read all on my screen, I get a complete black screen and all stop. No command in function. Have to take the big button to restart computer. Ctrl-Alt-Del don't start task manager. Ctrl-F4 do not close anything. I waiting least 5 minutes on 2x3GHz computer.

I'm running 33 portable apps and all is very good. Celestia (#44) is the first with trouble.

Sorry for bad English. //Björn

How to get Lotus Notes 8.5 on a stick (nomad) to run from the portable applications menu

Submitted by Grant Bingham on August 14, 2009 - 9:47am

Lotus Notes 8.5 basic - C1SP2EN.exe(and also not the allcients version) can be installed as a portable application to show as a menu item in portable applications. It will work as per normal - just that it can be launched from the menu. When I say works normally, I mean it makes an icon on the screen, loads itself and then removes itself when you unplug the portable drive.

Following the infocenter instructions:


Submitted by sl23 on August 10, 2009 - 8:07am

I'm interested in learning how to code HTML files, but am unsure of a good application for this. I've downloaded Note Tab and Notepad++ can either of these be used for this pupose?



gnucash wrong version or unsupported app

Submitted by goobalube on August 5, 2009 - 5:55pm

I have been using gnucash and wanted to try the portable version. In order for my bank to recognize gnucash I have to change the version. This is done by modifying the libofx-3.dll file with a hex editor, searching for the line APPVER, then changing 1200 to 1800 (for Windows). I can not find the line APPVER or 1200 in the libofx-3.dll file for the portable version. I get the 'wrong version or unsupported app' error when I try to connect to my bank. Any idea on how I would modify the file to work with my bank?

Thanks everyone for all your efforts.


Submitted by Hartmut on August 4, 2009 - 8:01am

I want to run 2 Application on my stick: TV-Browser ( and Jalbum ( Both are so far portable and installed under the normal PortableApps-path. Both need Java >=1.5, but on the computers at work java is =1.4. No Problem: I installed JavaPortable and JavaPortableLauncher. Both are working.

Has anyone taken over the InfraRecorder project?

solanus's picture
Submitted by solanus on July 31, 2009 - 5:01pm

The current PA version of Infrarecorder has some serious issues, not from PA, but because it is using an older version on Infrarecorder.
Specifically, on some systems, it hangs forever. This is a known issue with IR 0.46.1.

I know that JTH has listed Infrarecorder on the Development Test page as "Needs Updating", and it has been so for a while.
Also, I haven't seen the last person to develop this app as portable (Travis) on the forums since last fall, so I assume he has gone on to bigger and better things.

Just changing to 0.46.2 will make this functional again.

Maybe someone knows?.. (Может кто-то знает?..)

Submitted by punsh on July 29, 2009 - 3:46pm

как можна сделать так, чтобы в Opera@USB была включена java portable ( )
если же Portable может использовать java portable!..а как здесь, я не знаю

[How-To] Remove the stupid edit margin in Notepad++

NathanJ79's picture
Submitted by NathanJ79 on July 27, 2009 - 4:00am

While some may find this feature useful, I find it annoying and infuriating, since I only use Notepad++ for basic text editing. It's a great program for that, but that stupid edit margin that showed up a few versions back is a distraction. And nobody here has been able to tell me how to disable it.

Well, I finally figured it out, and I'm quite proud of myself for it. So here it is for anyone else bothered by it.

Plugins > ChangeMarkers > Disable Plugin
