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GnuCash 2.3.2

Submitted by malikor on July 10, 2009 - 6:04pm

GnuCash has been updated to version 2.3.2.

Change Log:
· Major changes in the 2.3.x release include;

· In addition to the XML backend, Gnucash can now use a SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL database to store the data. This is a new implementation using libdbi. It supports all features including the business features. In order to build with this, add --enable-dbi to the configure command. In addition to the libdbi-dev package for your distribution, you will also need the appropriate DBD (libdbi driver) package for sqlite3, mysql or postgresql.

Notepad++ Portable upgrade to v5.4.4 loses custom Shortcut Mappers

Submitted by jcm530 on July 10, 2009 - 1:42pm

I just upgraded from v5.3.1 (I think) to the latest available: v5.4.4. After the upgrade, none of my custom configured Shortcut Mappers (custom shortcut keystroke combinations) work. Kill/recreate does not resolve the issue. I use N++P extensively for notetaking and being able to quickly insert a timestamp (TextFX-->TextFX Insert-->Date & Time Short Format) is essential for my purposes. This is the function that is lost for me, but in testing, I've found that none of the custom shortcut mappers to TextFX plugins work.

Blender 2.49a and Python 2.6.2

Submitted by Rickard on July 8, 2009 - 8:04pm

I can't get blender_2.49a.paf.exe to work and I've tried online support and that didn't help so can anyone else think of something that we might have missed?

Here is the Log over the conversation that support and I had. ( I'm pa5155, support ChrisMorgan)

What have you AppCompact'd?

Submitted by malikor on July 7, 2009 - 8:59pm

I have been attempting to compile a list of programs, whether portable or not, that can be safely compacted using the AppCompactor. I need some help though. If you have used the AppCompactor on other programs, doesn't matter if they are naturally portable or local installations, then can you please let me know? Post a reply and give the Program Name, Version and if you used the default compacting settings or if you modified the settings that are present upon launch of AppCompactor. Thank you in advance!!

Stellarium 0.10.2

Submitted by dhartsoc on July 7, 2009 - 1:48am

Installed this tonight and it is crashing with Windows asking to generate an error report. Stellarium is still open, visible on the screen when the error is reported and Stellarium shuts down. First I thought it had something to do with me panning from south to north. But later it crashed the same way, just sitting there.

Sorry, can't give more information than error includes ModName libstel.dll, Offset 002e3928

Windows XP. SP3, 2Gb RAM. 8Gb Micro Cruzer usb memory stick with 6Gb free.

HTML Tidy Outdated

horusofoz's picture
Submitted by horusofoz on July 4, 2009 - 9:55am

I've been playing around a bit with Notepad++ for web editing as of late and came across a bug in the HTML Tidy component. The bug causes name attributes to be added to anchors and changes the doctype from XHTML 1.1 to XHTML 1.0 transitional. I went to file a bug and noticed there have been many filed previously for what I believe this exact issue. The responses I saw state this has been dealt with previously and to get the latest version of the HTML Tidy plugin. When I went to do this I found HTML Tidy is only available from the CVS? I couldn't figure out how to do this.
