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Problem with InfraRecorderPortable

Submitted by Rand on January 2, 2009 - 11:29am

Infrarecorder portable is not closing properly - 2 exe's say in the processes list..
I did use it stand alone - with the same issue just took the sceenshot thisway to highlight it

I using it on a flashdrive and have tried 2 PCs - I have erased drive and restored with fresh downloaded files

what might be the problem ?

Search help in making VisualMind portable (

Submitted by balleklo on January 1, 2009 - 1:40am

I am aware this may be seen as a double post (also posted in Portable App Creator thread) but post it here in order to get help from others that may not be reading the Portable App Creator thread, and because the problem I am having trying to portablize this app may have other reasons than PAC.

I am into "mindmapping" and are very eager to get VisualMind from portable. IF I can make it portable I will buy it.

Portable Eraser is NOT portable and installs items to other than a thumb drive

Submitted by tenofhearts12 on January 1, 2009 - 12:00am

I downloaded Eraser to my thumb drive, I had it install "only" to my thumb drive but yet it adds itself to my add/remove programs in Vista as well as registry entries; what gives?

I downloaded it from here and as I stated above, it did NOT install JUST to my thumb drive but also added registry entries and also to add/remove programs so I uninstalled it from my thumb drive and my computer account it is not "portable" as advertised.

BPBiblePortable will not run on my eeepc 900

Submitted by mike.jacobson on December 30, 2008 - 4:02am

I cannot find the correct support forum for BPBiblePortable, so I will post here.
Am I the only one or can anyone else not get the new, current 30th Dec, version of BPBiblePortable to work on my eeepc 900 . Splash screen comes fine, but then I get an error and need to close the app via a dialogue box. Log reads.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 21, in
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
File "wx\__init__.pyo", line 45, in
File "zipextimporter.pyo", line 82, in load_module
File "wx\_core.pyo", line 4, in

Notepad++ settings changing

Submitted by eknapp on December 11, 2008 - 11:45am


I use Notepad++ for teaching programming. My students all have portable hard drives with a set of portable apps from portableapps. I configure all the settings for them so we all have the same setup. However, many of my students lose their settings for Notepad++ when they plug their hard drives into different computers on campus and at their homes. Why is this happening and can it be prevented? If not, can I save the settings and restore them with a script.


