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gnucash doesn't save balance forward

Submitted by longtex on November 18, 2008 - 2:16pm

I'm trying to do something pretty simple - all I really want to do here is to set up a "petty cash in pocket" thing, where i can track what i do with cash. there are actually several "wallet accounts" here - my cash, wife's cash, grocery cash... and then "regular" account/categories. Trying to get started (I'm probably handicapped by having used quicken for many years) all I really wanted to do was set up regular accounts and begin with a balance forward in my pocket.

[Fixed] Notepad++ Plugin dlls not found (and a workaround).

Submitted by kwe on November 17, 2008 - 12:35pm

When trying to use html tidy an error is reported 'Unable to find libTidy.dll'
in the system path or %PATH%\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins\Config\NppTextFXA\libTidy.dll' This is simply due to the files not being in the indicated folder. Move the files to the folder indicated in the error msg and you are good to go.

Don't know if this is a problem with Portable version or if it is a general bug but
it would be good if it could be fixed so less tech savvy individuals could use it.

Best regards, and my compliments on maintaining such a superb site.

XAMPP MySQL problem

Submitted by wolf99 on November 17, 2008 - 12:24pm

Hey All

I recently installed XAMPP on my HD, and have a slight problems

firstly when I start the XAMPP CP have

"install directory: ***WARNING DIRECTORY MISMATCH***"

I don't know if this needs worrying about, but may be leading to main problem.
when I start the MySQL admin cp I start getting error messages

WinMySQLAdmin 1.4
Access violation at address 10009FB0 in module 'LIBMYSQL.dll'. Read of address 00000000.

notepad++ problem, maybe bug

Submitted by vercinstex on November 17, 2008 - 7:37am

hello all
i have a problem with notepad++
not only the last version but also older.

i work with php so sometimes i need to open more the one file together and at the same time, just to understand in windows i select multiple file and the i press return.

well the problem is that, for example if i try to open 10 file together, sometimes it opens 5 file some other it opens 1 file and return me always an alert message like this:
"Another istance of Notepad++ is running. Please close other instance of Notepad++ before launching Notepad++ Portable"

App Compactor Supported Apps?

Submitted by Kussetsu on November 16, 2008 - 3:57pm

Well, I love the idea of app compactor and the first time I downloaded and used it on a program, it worked GREAT! I continued using it on programs only to find that some of the programs I used it on got corrupted... I was wondering if there was a specific list of ALL the supported apps. And when I do the compacting, I always do the PortableAppName\app folder. But it still corrupts some. If there is no list, I was wondering if I can post my downloaded apps and have someone try it on them... I am sick of re-downloading and installing... though I could keep the installers.

Lightscreen unable to capture menu window

Submitted by Yinkda on November 16, 2008 - 2:41pm


I have just tested Lightscreen Portable 0.5, from drive C:

It is unable to capture the menu window (PAMW). In either the screen, window or screen area capture mode, PAMW is ignored, only the window/area behind it is captured.

Interestingly, in the area capture mode, the captured area has the size of PAMW, but without PAMW.

I am using XP Pro SP3.

Juice Portable

Submitted by dhartsoc on November 15, 2008 - 7:47pm


While I have used a couple portable apps on my Sandisk U3, I am nowt testing out the suite with the hope of abandoning U3 altogether. It looks good.

However, I do use my usb drive to handle downloading podcasts. Currently using myPodder U3. It works the way I want.

Two days ago I installed Juice Portable v2.2 Test 10. It runs okay. I was never a big fan of Juice. There are maybe two things that bug me and after looking at the configuration file I still don't know if I can modify things to my satisfaction.
