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Portable Apps Spash Screen is Driving Me Nuts! [GVim Portable]

Submitted by caffeine on October 3, 2014 - 1:34pm

Installed GVim portable today, modified AppNamePortable.ini like so:


and moved AppNamePortable.ini to the folder that contains the GVim binary. However, I'm still seeing that accursed splash screen.

If this were Linux, I'd use strace to see if AppNamePortable.ini is being read or if some system call during initialization is failing.

But on MS Windows, I feel helpless.

How can I debug this?

google chrome scripting first utilisation

Submitted by kaya on September 30, 2014 - 6:14am

Hello, I'm trying to launch chrome from a schedule task under a particular user account (in win2K8R2).
This is not working (chrome launch but cant open any page, including chrome:// ) unless I first opened a session on the server whith the particular account and launch chrome interactively.
Is there a way to avoid this and initialise chrome by script instead ?

Google Chrome- Crashes Every Time

Lord_Theren's picture
Submitted by Lord_Theren on September 27, 2014 - 9:08pm

As a loyal Firefox user, I had never though of switching browsers. But today I decided to give Google Chrome a try, portable version of course. So I installed it on my desktop (Windows XP SP3) and tried to run it but big surprise, I was greeted by a crash dialog box. Any ideas on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. If you need additional PC specs or the technical details of of the error, let me know. Thanks in advance!

BleachBit Error on Start

Submitted by Klaus.Ka on September 27, 2014 - 6:39am

after uptdate to BleachBit 1.4 the Program didn't start again.
Deleted and new Download no Changes.
Operating System Windows 7 64 Bit
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 43, in
File "bleachbit\GUI.pyo", line 40, in
File "bleachbit\Cleaner.pyo", line 40, in
File "bleachbit\Special.pyo", line 27, in
File "bleachbit\Options.pyo", line 297, in
File "bleachbit\Options.pyo", line 65, in __init__
File "bleachbit\Options.pyo", line 194, in restore

Errors: can't run TAudioConverter

Submitted by bigpallooka on September 23, 2014 - 10:01am

I get the following errors when trying to run TAudioConverter on my Win 7 x 64 HP Microserver (no audio device connected) any advice?

Failed to initialize CDRip insufficiant privileges?)
Error Code:8
Fatal Error 
Couldn't load bass.dll library. 
Bass Code:23


Turns out I may have answered my own question. It works fine on a Win 8 x 64 Laptop with CD drive and audio device so it's not a stretch to believe these are needed to operate the app fully and maybe at least an audio device if it's to operate at all.

Opera Sync reset password is not coming

Submitted by apometron on September 22, 2014 - 2:50am

Yes, I did checked the spam folder.

I cant not to find the msg and so I am not able to click
the link to reset the password.

I did the thing two times, firt time just informing
the login and the second time informing the email.

Nothing happens and I am desperated.

Please help.

What to do?

Should I report it to Opera?

They did not responded my Twitter msg.

Yes, I know twitter is just 140 chars but they should have responded by now. Or no? Am I a little anxious?

Yes, I think so, I am desperated.

I dont know what to do.

I thank all the help beforehand.

