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Freemat portable request

Submitted by tal on March 19, 2013 - 5:19pm

It possible to add to freemat in the path tool the folder:
i think there is an command can do it with i parameter:
FreeMat -i folder
not sure, i didn't test it.
If it that so, the launcher can detect the current folder and add the

thank you,

Freemat portable help.

Submitted by tal on March 16, 2013 - 4:31pm

Hi all,
I am now using at freemat (yes, I have homework at numeric analysis)
and i try to use a simple function to understand how to add a new function to freemat.

I follow this guide:
Tutorial Make a Function

and I copy to test.m file that code:
function return_value=comb(n,r)

and save it at:
I also add the this folder(and sub folder) with path tool like it say in the guide.

QuiteRSS setting-flux disappear

Submitted by melt on March 15, 2013 - 4:58pm

I test QuiteRSS Portable 0.12.2 as my new RSS manager. But everytime I closed software, database is swapped off. File Data/Settings/Feeds.db of 5000 Ko goes to 24Ko. Furthermore, any config settings is retained. The 3 files into File Data/Settings/ are seems to be erased after software closure.
How I can solve that?
Using WinXP

Notepad2 error: "Another instance of Notepad2 is starting. Please wait for it to start before launching it again."

Submitted by trust on March 14, 2013 - 5:16am

I got this after a not proper system shutdown. The only way to get rid of this and start Notepad2 again is to "reinstall" it; namely, delete the Data directory.

On a separate note sometimes I am able to run 2 instances of Notepad2 (2 windows from the same install), sometimes not. But I couldn't find the logic behind when I can run two and when I can't. Could you help me with this too?

Problems with Synkron

Submitted by tantei4869 on March 12, 2013 - 2:55pm

I'm using Synkron 1.6.2. I'm trying to block files using the blacklist by folder, but it isn't working. It will block the files by extension and file name, but not by folder. Can someone here help me? I don't have the option to ignore blacklist selected either.
