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Clicky Gone Portable

Submitted by ilanger on February 22, 2013 - 11:09am

When I click on this program in Portable Apps to load it, an ERROR BOX appears saying: "Failed to Register Hotkey for Menu Display" --- and nothing runs.

It's as if I had not even loaded the program, it's gone.

Can I fix this or should I just look for a different app that provides a similar service?

Cannont run portable app from "C:\Program Files", but that isn't the location

Submitted by lee321987 on February 21, 2013 - 11:55pm

I have a folder on my C:\ drive called "Program Files (portable)" where I keep all my portable apps.

I just downloaded the latest GIMP portable, and when i try to run it, i get this error message:

GIMP Portable cannot be run from inside C:\Program Files. This location is for standard local software only. Please use this application from another location.

data base manager compatibility

Submitted by jojothehobo on February 21, 2013 - 1:40pm

Can SQliteman, or SQlite data base browser portable also work with MySQL or Postgre SQL data bases? I know they work with SQlite, but I want to learn about MySQL or Postgre SQL and want to use a front end to write queries and explore the data base.

From the writeups I found that SQLite and MySQL aren't fully compatible so I'm not sure that either portable program can work with them.

Please let me know if they can or if there is another front end I can include in my Portable Apps directory.


Report with Regshot 1.9.0 not sufficiently

Submitted by tapsklaps on February 20, 2013 - 3:43pm

I have used Regshot 1.9.0 relating to the app TeamViewer Portable 8.0.16642 and in the report was noted in the section "Files added" the following content:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Andreas Piatek\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp\nsh3C.tmp\Registry.dll

Due to this report I must assume, that TeamViewer Portable 8.0.16642 leaves a folder with content (here: nsh3C.tmp\Registry.dll) in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp. After restarting my computer I found however, that this folder was gone. Accordingly are the results with Regshot 1.9.0 not completely sufficient.

PopMan 1.3.1 Received date / time incorrect

Submitted by Wm ... on February 19, 2013 - 5:01am

The date shown in the Received column is one month previous to reality. This isn't affecting me too much as the date shown in the Sent column is correct and the (incorrect) Received column still puts messages in the right order. The mail software at the remote end has changed recently to MS Exchange Server so I expect it is a matter of how the new headers are being interpreted. Has anyone else noticed these incorrect dates or should I contact the author?

