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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Windows security with portable apps

VirtualMe's picture
Submitted by VirtualMe on February 2, 2013 - 3:39am

It's difficult to know whether or how this topic has been explored in the past because a search engine can only find 'so much'.

Having recently acquired and iPad from my nephew, I find it interesting how that mobile device handles security issues. Essentially, when running any iOS device you have the iOS operating system which runs totally independently from all other software. All added software utilities are essentially separate entities; each software installation is in effect a portable application that runs in its own sandbox.

Stand-alone portable versions of apps

Submitted by teppanyaki on January 28, 2013 - 9:26pm

Hi, what are the differences between PortableApps versions of apps and their standalone portable versions?

For example, SumatraPDF and KeePass both have portable versions on their websites. Did the PortableApps developers simply take the standalone portable versions and put them into the PortableApps platform framework, or did they start with the non-portable versions and modified them?


autorun warning

Submitted by onunez67 on January 27, 2013 - 2:48pm

Hi all

I am not a computer expert but I have a problem. I installed PortableApps on my USB Kingston and worked fine then installed the Kingston urDrive program but did not like and uninstalled it. Now every time I use PortableApps a warning stating that the file has been altered autorun appears. I want to know how I can prevent this warning from reappearing. thanks

Portable Internet Browser that does NOT save files on c drive?

Submitted by fishchoke on January 26, 2013 - 11:54am

So I downloaded chromium, firefox, and chrome internet browers and installed them onto my portable drive, and they work, but I notice they also all leave lots of files on the c drive of the computer (mainly in c:\users\username\Appdata, but other folders as well).

Is there any portable browser that leaves the c drive completely alone?

(If I run a browser on someone else's computer, I don't want to leave any trace at all on their c drive whatsoever, as in zero, nada, zip, nothing.)
