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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Too slow download link from Costa Rica repository

Submitted by djnavas on July 27, 2011 - 3:47pm

I reside in Nicaragua.

When I want to download Libre Office I am redirected to a repository in the University of Costa Rica ( The download speed is 9.71 kb/s and the lowest reported download time I have attained is 4h 29 min.

How can I access another download location?

Thanks in advance,

Denis J Navas


I found a solution by miself. Opened the source code viewer and looked at the download address, changing the %2F to '/' and the download proceeded at 126 kb/s.

Thanks @ the Open Source Convention

Pyromaniac's picture
Submitted by Pyromaniac on July 26, 2011 - 9:01pm

Just wanted to let the whole wide world know that John will be presenting everything portable apps at the Open Source Convention on Friday streamed live at 11.

Cutos! (or is it Cudos? Firefox says they're both mispelled).
It's Kudos (thanks kAlug).


Anyway, here's the article (I didn't know you donated a kidney! :))

[EDIT] Wait, was there going to be an official announcement? In that case, ya'll can delete this topic.

Putting all the portable apps into a single file.

amanica's picture
Submitted by amanica on July 26, 2011 - 4:49pm


I've been wondering if it would make sense to run all my apps out of a single file eg. a zip file in order to avoid the myriad of small files some portable apps like perl[1] and R[2] have. Big installations with lots of small files makes writing the stuff to a usb drive very slow. I don't care much for the compression but rather that it is one file or a small number of files.

I saw the AppCompactor, but as far as I can tell it compresses one file at a time.

Home Page New Look

Submitted by IanFromBarrie on July 24, 2011 - 11:33pm

Don't much like the rearrangement of the PortableApps home page. Having to scroll down to skip past the pitch to get to the latest apps (and having much less space devoted to them) is a pain.

It's about the apps.

I will link to the "All News" page instead.

Like the RC, now here's what I think

Submitted by malaise on July 23, 2011 - 8:43am

Good favorites/category combination but why not categories only on the first page as a choice or am I missing something?

Love the updater, however I think it would be nice to have a pause button if possible. Also, will it be possible that you can select new apps this way without going to the website (nice home page btw).

Thanks for the inclusion of "run now" after install, saves my many seconds across multiple workstations.
