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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Inclusion of images in the posts

Submitted by tapsklaps on July 21, 2011 - 11:13am

Often it is very helpful for understanding when an issue is also described with pictures. Therefore I would appreciate it if in the future would be a possibility for the direct involvement of screenshots in a post. By this I mean not only the use of a link to an image but the direct display of the image in a post. This could be done for example through the use of an image tag.

Platform 2.0 Version Number Change Discussion: Keep It, Change It?

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 19, 2011 - 11:44pm

We're in the final stretch of development to the new Platform and we've been having some internal discussions on changing the version of it. 2.0 has been very long in coming and the final version will be quite different from last year's betas. Realistically, we've been conservative with versioning in the past, opting for 1.5 (which probably should have been 2.0), a too-long 2.0 beta which should have just been 3.0 followed by a 4.0 with categories soon after. So, we've been thinking about changing it.

Some options (including some silly ones) are:

    Where is the documentation for copying preferences and settings from fully installed apps to PortableApps?

    Submitted by dforion on July 19, 2011 - 6:49pm

    I am trying to set up Portable Apps from fully installed apps settings and/or preferences for Opera, VLC, Notepad++, and Seamonkey.

    I have been unable to locate any documentations showing where the various settings are stored in the Portable App. I think this important information should be detailed on each app's support page.

    I spent literally hours trying to match this up between the two app versions (fully installed versus Portable).

    Any help on this or better yet some simple documentation where the settings in your PortableApps version is would be enormously helpful.

    Programs claim they are already running on startup.

    Submitted by pwright2 on July 18, 2011 - 4:24pm

    A week or so back I was having trouble getting LibreOffice to start. When I would try to start it, it would reply that another instance was already running and refuse to start. Solution finally turned out to be to delete an ini file with an astoundingly long name from the Data folder. Today I was trying to start up Irfanview portable and encountered the same problem with the same solution. I've used portable apps for years and never encountered this before. Has some general change occurred which causes this? Do we need a cleanup app? Or have I just been unlucky?


    Submitted by Ed_P on July 18, 2011 - 1:21am

    You currently have the forum heading reading as:

    Quick Status Update (July 10 & 17th) - Content delivery network online (June 2nd) - Full Status Update Expected

    If you were to rearrange them as:

    Content delivery network online (June 2nd) - Quick Status Update (July 10 & 17th) - Full Status Update Expected

    They would be in chronological order and the two Update links would be together and thus harder for readers to miss the link to the Quick one.

    Trojan found in Notepad2Portable_4.2.25_English.paf.exe

    Submitted by bobocaca on July 15, 2011 - 12:41am

    I scan file with ClamWin 0.97.1, updated 23:06 14 Jul 2011

    Notepad2Portable_4.2.25_English.paf.exe: BC.Heuristic.Trojan.SusPacked.BF-6.B FOUND
    ----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
    Known viruses: 996859
    Engine version: 0.97.1
    Scanned directories: 0
    Scanned files: 1
    Infected files: 1

    Data scanned: 1.64 MB
    Data read: 0.89 MB (ratio 1.84:1)
    Time: 5.172 sec (0 m 5 s)

