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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Press Page Updated (2008-04-28) - Missing Anything?

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on April 28, 2008 - 5:55pm

I just updated the press page with stuff from the last couple months. New stuff from CNET, lifehacker, ZDNet, downloadsquad, Information Week, CHIP, Google. I think someone said we were recently download of the day on, too, but I couldn't find it. Anything else we're missing?

Preprocessing for launcher

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on April 27, 2008 - 11:44pm

Dear John,

Looking through different launchers it seems every one is different specific depending on the current application. Currently developers just have to 'wing it' to make a new launcher.

Now I know you are planning (or already building) a kind of installer/launcher creation application which I really look forward to. But before you can make the app itself you have to create a launcher that features every possible action needed to make an installer.

Developer standard mail

LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on April 27, 2008 - 4:08pm

I think it would be useful to have some kind of standard letter people can send to developers containing information and suggestions to prepare their software for becoming portable. Things like explaining what PortableApps are and suggesting to offer command line switches for settings and load/save data locations.

For example: App.exe -s ..\..\Data\settings\App.ini for the settings file (instead of using the registry) and App.exe -d ..\..\..\Documents\ for the default load/save data folder.

More PAF apps on sourceforge?

Stevoisiak's picture
Submitted by Stevoisiak on April 27, 2008 - 3:51pm

I just found some portableapps not on portableapps on sourceforge that are in PAF format!

It's listed under Portable App World. It has 7 PAF apps, and one zip folder on the green button. The apps are,

Feature: Application Launcher

Submitted by 9812713 on April 25, 2008 - 6:39pm


Sorry if this is the wrong area. I think it would be nice to have the ability to launch an application that is a .jar file. I have a program call openproj ( a MS Project Clone ) and it is based on Java. When I run the EXE File that it is detected by the App launcher, it gives me an error. Because the application EXE is controlled by an ini file (for Paths) to launch the jar file, it displays an error. However, I can run the jar file, when I browse to it, in Win Explorer, and it works, but the app launcher app does not allow execution of a Jar file to be added as a short-cut.

Security: Has anyone tested the claim that the portable browsers leave no record behind?

Submitted by Snags40 on April 25, 2008 - 1:14pm

I want to use a public PC to do some banking when I am overseas. I intend use the portable apps on a flash drive. I have never done that before. The claim is that it leaves no footprint behind on the PC; has that been verified recently? I need some reassurance.
