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Request Apps

Got a suggestion for an app that should be portable? Post it here.


Submitted by bedex78 on November 5, 2012 - 11:14pm

Program: SmartDeblur

License: GPL

The SmartDeblur is a tool for restoration of defocused and blurred images. Written on C++ using Qt 4.8. Algorithm based on several deconvolution technics (Wiener, Tikhonov, Total Variation prior). Supported defect types:

- Out of Focus blur (with kernel deep tuning)
- Motion blur
- Gaussian blur


Other: It is already portable.

Minecraft (We've all seen this coming)

Guamkid's picture
Submitted by Guamkid on October 30, 2012 - 5:35pm

I'm a total n00b when it comes to the coding of portable apps, so I'm not sure what's wrong with Minecraft Portable.
What I mean is there is a Minecraft Portable in the development page, and I use it often. I was just wondering why it isn't official, what's wrong with it, and if it can be made into a portable app at all.

Thank you for your time.

Work-usable Portable PDF printer

Submitted by sukobiru on October 29, 2012 - 7:14pm

My office computer is on lockdown, and I don't want to push the limits too hard. However, it is necessary in my job to unfortunately work with PDF documents. PDFTK is brilliant in that I can open and manipulate most PDF docs. However, lately there are a few that come to me SECURED. I may print to a normal printer with the docs, but I cannot crack it open or remove the restrictions.

I am looking for a simple, non-installable, completely portable solution that will do one of two things for me:

1) allow me to remove the restrictions so I may manipulate the file in PDFTK

