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Security Apps Support

When downloading Keepass updates, anti-virus blocks it because it matches signature BehavesLike.Win32.Suspicious.xm

Submitted by eroussel on February 3, 2016 - 9:25am

As the subject says, I've been unable to download updated versions of Keepass as the anti-virus blocks it.

Is there something that can be done about this given that in my case, disabling the anti-virus is not an option?

KeePass: Rev 2

Submitted by Manly1138 on January 21, 2016 - 3:13pm

PortableApps posted the Keepass 1.3 update when it came out and a few days later posted a Rev 2 update. Since there is no Rev 2 update on the Keepass website I take it Rev 2 is just a PortableApps update? I can't find any reference to what Rev 2 is ,does ,or why it was needed. I'm just curious as I run Keepass on my laptop and desktop and Flash drive and don't want to get out of sequence on releases.

Just curious. Thank you.

ClamWin: clam false virus detection

Submitted by lillonewolf12 on January 19, 2016 - 5:19am

Hi, I have the latest version of clamwin portable installed and on the hwinfo.paf.exe file it keeps showing it as a virus
when scanned. Also all the new jre java stand alone installers offline (jre-8u66-windows-i586.exe) and updates 60 and 65
keeps showing up as virus`s when scanned. I scanned them with windows defender and virus total and they say no virus.
I tried to contact the database guys but have had no luck.
Thanks, sincerely

KeePass: Keypass Portable won't open after entering Password and Master Key, Window just sits there

Chasl's picture
Submitted by Chasl on October 23, 2015 - 1:15am

When I activate Keypass Portable or my flashdrive and enter my Password and Master Key, the taskbar Icon pops up, but won't open to let me get at my saved data. I have Keypass Portable on my computer and it works fine when I open and enter the password and masterkey.


KeePass: lost or intervening .ini puzzle (note: puzzle not problem)

Submitted by Wm ... on December 6, 2014 - 2:12pm

Background: I often need to use my PA KeePass in different places. Most often these days I find myself grabbing two files [1] from on-line storage rather than using my USB drive (combination of there often being no useable USB port & habit of no longer looking for one on newer terminal type PCs, I guess).

ClamWin: Enable SafeBrowser database

Submitted by williancruz on November 27, 2014 - 12:40am


How can I enable the SafeBrower so ClamWin can download safebrowser.cvd and use it's definitions? I tried putting "SafeBrower yes" on freshclam.conf as told here: but it doesn't downloaded the file. What should I do?

Thanks in advance.
