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Security Apps Support

Using KeePass with a Cisco Router

Submitted by faviles on June 16, 2009 - 12:07am

Someone tried to use this application to access a Cisco router?

When trying to access a Cisco router via SSH (PuTTY) the Cisco's read only access is granted but the administrator's access is not working at all, I don't know why.

Attached an example of my script in KeePass;

Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}enable{ENTER}enable-password-here{ENTER}

The scritp execute the last two {ENTER}s but not the password in between.

ClamWin: What is this error: Could not start process ??

Submitted by zogus on June 8, 2009 - 6:47pm

I started ClamWin and it asked to update viruses, which I said yes to. It then started the update process, but I get this message:

Could not start process:
".\freshclam.exe" --stdout --datadir="..\..\..\Data\db" --config-file="c:\docume~1\jhhlib~1\locals~1\temp\tmp_9ol8j" --log="c:\docume~1\jhhlib~1\locals~1\temp\tmp7a0tio"
Error: Could not start process.
File does not exist.

I had this before for a previous version. I updated and it seemed to work fine, but it has happened again.

ClamWin ver is 0.95.1.

ClamWin: ClamAV main.cvd Update [FYI] 05/14/09

Tim Clark's picture
Submitted by Tim Clark on May 14, 2009 - 3:09pm

Just a note:
The main.cvd for ClamAV/Win/portable is updating from

50 to 51

If you have high speed access the most efficient way to do the update is to directly download the file from here:
after deleting your current main.cvd

If you allow it to update itself you will get a
46 MB main.cld instead of a nice compact 20 MB main.cvd

don't forget to delete your current daily.cld also if you use this method, the new daily.cvd is only 137kb




Keepass Sync

Submitted by colonel-yum-yum on May 14, 2009 - 7:46am

Hey guys and gals,

sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't find it in search.

I'm wondering if there is a portable version of the keepassSync plug-in?

I use keepass on my home computers, work computer and carry it on two flash drives as well. It's a bit of a pain any time I update or add a password having to update all those DB files. Would be useful to be able to have one remotely stored DB file that updates/overwrites local ones when you run the sync program.
