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Firefox Portable

Fast enough Flash Drives for FF3?

Submitted by EwanG on July 18, 2008 - 4:16pm

OK, trying to figure out which USB Flash drive are how fast has my head spinning. It seems like the different manufacturers use different tests to get different speeds. I figured I could look for ones that had Vista Readyboost support since that has certain requirements, but found that even there some drives are using caches to make them work.

Firefox 3.0 user agent

yrochon's picture
Submitted by yrochon on July 18, 2008 - 8:47am

Anybody has noticed that if you open the "About Mozilla Firefox" Window, the user agent for Firefox 3.0 is still set to I don't know yet if it's the same thing for the desktop version.

This cause me a problem because one of my extensions, feedly, is running only for Firefox 3.0, and it seems they validate your version regarding the user agent.

Firefox Portable 3 - Update to 3.0.1 = Failed

Submitted by Lucanos on July 17, 2008 - 10:18pm

Running FFP3 off a U3 USB Key under Windows XP.

I have been prompted by Firefox to Update twice now, and gone through the steps, but each time I get an alert stating "The partial update could not be applied. Firefox will try again by downloading a complete update."

(This message also appeared after having clicked through the same message after a failed update.)

Firefox addon disappearing

Submitted by boxsterh on July 16, 2008 - 9:31pm

So this is a problem I've been having since PFF3 came out: I will install addons that I used in PFF2 (AdBlock, Remember The Milk) and some FF3 specific ones (Weave, Personas, PicLens) and for a day all would be well in the PFF3/Addon world. The problems come the next day. Without making any changes on my USB drive ALL addons are no longer working. They are listed but they are not functioning. Any ideas?

Firefox Not Opening

Submitted by cheeda on July 16, 2008 - 1:30pm

When I plugged in my flash and attempted to open the browser, nothing happens. The logo would just load, but the actual browser enver opens. The program tried updating itself earlier, but I had to eject the drive before it finished. I don't know if that had any effect on it or not.

I tried ejecting the drive, and starting up my firefox portable again, but no avail. Rebooting the computer didn't help either. Can anyone please help?
