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Firefox Portable

Firefox Portable multiple instances (net share)

Submitted by FH on August 25, 2007 - 10:05am


i work every day with the same programs on different computers. So i want to copy them on a stick. Everything is well as long I use the programs on one PC. But sometimes I have to use the Firefox on two PCs. So i shared the usb device to network. But if i have already started it one computer it is locked for the other one with the error message "... an instance is already running". Of course is there a an instance running on the other pc, but can I use it anyway?

My first idea was to activate multiple instances, but this is only for one os envoirement.

Local Install Deleted

Submitted by Darkness on August 24, 2007 - 7:48am

Hi, I've been using your version of portable Firefox for some time now. Recently I upgraded PowerDVD on one of my computers, and the installation installed a copy of the google toolbar but because the portable version of firefox was open it tried to install it onto that instead. Now whenever i close portable firefox it deletes the local firefox directory. I have tried re-downloading it and using a fresh copy and I have tried it on other computers with the same results. Now i'm stuck because every computer that has admin rights on it will get it's firefox directory deleted.

Adobe Problems...

Submitted by slimanddeadly on August 23, 2007 - 12:19am

This has probably been answered before. But after using Firefox and opening some PDFs in the browser. I then close Forefox... but for some reason adobe seems to be reading from my USB and it won't let me eject my USB drive.

After I end the adobe process I can eject my drive. But otherwise my drive is completely unejectable.

Startup problem

Submitted by Monkt on August 22, 2007 - 7:01pm

I've had this problem with the current and previous release. When I go to try and startup Firefox Portable it doesn't startup, I check the task manager and it says firefox.exe is running but it doesn't startup.

Firefox portable lags

Submitted by marcusmpe on August 22, 2007 - 10:58am

When performing various actions using Firefox Portable, the program lags behind the actions. For example, when typing into a form, it will occasionally hang and not display any further text entered, and then about 1-2 seconds later, show all the text entered instantly. This behavior also occurs when scrolling through a page, it will hang, and then instantly move to where you've scrolled to. Other examples are:
Cursor not changing when hovering over a link or text
Outline of navigation buttons (back, home, etc) not appearing when hovering

Looking for Browser have HTTPS support & digital certificate

Submitted by ray_sami on August 22, 2007 - 3:46am

to get access to my work email everyware i need to use secure webmail(HTTPS) with digital certificate from my company.

which browser have HTTPS support and can import or install the digital certificate on it???(i have also copy of digital certificate)

i need to install it on my USB pen so i can read my email from every PC.

is firefox can do that ? please let me know.


firefox still not working elsewhere

Submitted by hart022 on August 21, 2007 - 7:19pm

So i try to go to the c:\documents and settings\[user name]\application data\folder at school. however i cant access the application data folder at school. i am positive that there is a folder called mozilla that i have no way to delete. because of that folder i cancels out my settings in Portable Firefox. It tries to write to to the folder that doesn't exist.the error console says
var itemLocation = s.e.location.getItemLocation( no properties. if there is a batch file,patch or something like that, i need to know asap.:(

Error when try to compile

Submitted by wahoo on August 21, 2007 - 3:50pm

Hey PortableApps Team.

First, thanks a lot for the super application.
But i want to change the url/link to firefox.exe (and some other things, make my owen version) But when i try to compile the file, there came a error:
!define: "GetParent"="!insertmacro "_GetParent""
!include: closed: "GetParent.nsh"
!include: could not find: "Registry.nsh"
Error in script "C:\Documents and Settings\desktop\FirefoxPortable\Other\FirefoxPortableSource\FirefoxPortable.nsi" on line 62 -- aborting creation process

FIREFOX and THUNDERBIRD opens a "brand new" instance after click on a link or an email

Submitted by wetabax on August 20, 2007 - 10:09pm

Hi, experts. I will try to write my best English to make me understandable Smile

Well. It's absolutely irrelevant if PortableApps is running or not. If I fill an URL in Start > Run (windows xp) and press ENTER, a second instance of Firefox runs, other one of the program I have installed in my pen drive. The program that opens are in English, with other bookmarks, other plug ins, completely different of the Firefox in Portuguese I have installed in PortableApps.

Firefox Portable and Tor button

Submitted by RoninV on August 20, 2007 - 3:50pm

Using FFP from with a company network....

Keep having proxy issue when attempting to enable TorButton. After triggering FFP (v2.0.0.6), and getting on the web successfully, the attempt to enable Tor results in the familiar "The proxy server is refusing connections..." window. This proxy issue doesn't appear when using OperaTor from same location. Any success stories out there with this situation?
