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Firefox Portable

SOLVED: Firefox Portable not running in PE - XPCOM missing error

Submitted by SimonSays99 on November 6, 2015 - 9:30am

To whom it may concern...

I found that to run current versions of Firefox - also including ESR and SeaMonkey - the file pdh.dll is missing in \FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox. You will get the following error message: "XPCOM is missing"

As it looks you can use any 32bit pdh.dll as far back as Windows 6 (Vista) - works also on all newer WindowsPE versions including Windows 10 PE or Core.

If you have a 64bit Windows install copy pdh.dll from %windir%\SysWOW64\pdh.dll

Maybe recommended to the maintainer of this Portable App to include the DLL in future releases.

How to make FirefoxPortable.exe the default browser

Submitted by shiroi-tora on October 20, 2015 - 11:14am

I recently configured a new laptop with a dual boot system, Win 7 Pro and Win 10 Ent. I have a third partition that each can see and that is where my portable app platform is installed. When I click on the shortcut FirefoxPortable.exe everything works fine from both OS's. However, the first time I opened the app a Mozilla page came up and asked if I wanted to make Firefox my default browser. Of course I said sure. Now, if I click the FirefoxPortable.exe shortcut everything still works fine. However, the problem that occurs, is when I click a link from a non Firefox source.

Firefox - profiles.ini - issue with overwriting on update

Submitted by BeaBonobo on October 19, 2015 - 4:19pm

Am I correct that when PortableApps updates Firefox it overwrites PROFILES.INI in the ...\App\Firefox directory?

This gives me a problem in that I have several profile pointers set in that file that I have to re-create after every update.

Is that the intended behavior?

Best wishes

Does 41.0.2-portable and's firefox has problematic interaction?

Submitted by u21832 on October 17, 2015 - 10:19am

torproject version: 5.0.3 (based on Mozilla Firefox 38.3.0)
portable apps is 41.0.2
Both, concurrently on MS XP.
As far as I know, both claim they won't interact with the other.
Can you verify, or otherwise comment, on the following:

Starting another link in the already running instance of firefox

Submitted by randyrant on October 17, 2015 - 10:09am

I'd like to start a link in an already running instance of Firefox (no new Firefox window!). This used to work until 40.0.3 (e.g. with "start firefoxportable.exe [url]" from cmd.exe). The URL would open in the existing (open) instance of Firefox, everything fine.

Starting with 41.0 I receive the following error: "Another instance of Firefox is already running. Please...", using the same command. This new behavior breaks a lot of my aliases.

How would I return to the old behavior with the new launcher?

NO Launcher Hooray

Submitted by RobDownUnder on September 28, 2015 - 4:53am

I love to have multiple portable FFs
Up until today, I used IceDragon, because it allowed that.
The latest version v38 does not allow that.
I had been avoiding Portable Apps, because I just feel uncomfortable having a 'front end' (aka the Launcher)
I took a punt and installed your FF v41, hoping that somehow I could get it the way I want.
During the 'Install' (cough), I directed it to a folder I had created.
It is in there and running fine.
