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Thunderbird Portable

Need help with post-crash recovery of PTB profile.

Submitted by joetron2030 on June 5, 2006 - 12:07pm

For the record, I'm running PTB (as of an update this morning) off a USB 2.0 HDD.

My WinXP Pro (SP2) system crashed while I was working this morning. At the time, I had just restarted PTB after the update. Now, when I start PTB, it comes up thinking that there are NO accounts configured for it. How, if it's even possible, can I recover my profile and data? As far as I can tell, all of the actual mail storage files, etc. are still there. PTB just doesn't seem to know about any of it.

If this is an FAQ, please point me in the right direction.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

PTB Feature Request

Submitted by Jacoby on June 4, 2006 - 5:15pm

Is it possible to modify the PTB launcher to allow multiple profiles. What I mean is, to let the profile chooser come up at startup, and allow me to choose from different profiles, say:

Friends & Family

I know, it seems kinda redundant as PTB can have many accounts, but with all of my accounts, It is getting pretty sluggish, even with compacting, and it is way way way too cluttered. I'm, as you know, a little OC, and it would be nice if I could contain things in different profiles for organizational purposes.

And if it's not too much to ask of you, John, maybe the same option for PFF?

Seriously, I ned help here!

Submitted by walts on June 4, 2006 - 9:00am

I've made a few other posts about parts of this problem, but none have been answered. I really need some advice, since the situation I am now in is that it takes nearly five minutes to start Portable Thunderbird. I need a portable mail client with GnuPG that I can use to *quickly* plug in to a guest PC and get my mail. I need the ability to sign my messages so the recipient can verify that it really *is* from me, even when I am away from my "home" PC.

I downloaded version with Enigmail+GPG after several unsuccessful attempts to install Enigmail in the "Vanilla" version. After a lot of experimenting I found where the Profiles were stored and got my address book and saved mail working. The GnuPG stuff works fine from my "home" PC, but when I connect using a guest PC, it does not sign my messages. That is the object of the whole thing - to be able to send a message from anywhere, and have the recipient able to verify through the GPG signature that it came from me.

Configuring the default profile location for thunderbird

Submitted by tea on June 3, 2006 - 12:10am

I understand that the portable thunderbird app now includes it's own default profile folder where i can simply slip in my current stuffs, but what i wanted to do was maintain the location of my default profile (outside of the protable thunderbird folders).. i wwas looking for the *.ini file to change the location of the default profile folder but i cant seem to locate it.

not a major issue really but would like to know how to do so.

Problem with auto-updating portble thunderbird

Submitted by srcmax on June 2, 2006 - 6:47pm


Sorry for my english, beacause i'm french !

I have a problem with auto updating tool. The tool well recognize the newest version of thunderbird ( but during the installation, i have a problem notification. Then Portable thunderbird download and try to install the full newest version but il failed

Have you the same problem ? Can you help me please ?

files in Data directory gone?

Submitted by urkoland on June 2, 2006 - 2:54am

I installed on my portable devices:Portable Thunderbird with Enigmail+GPG
After few days all files in Data directory gone- I can't see them, but they are still somewhere on teh USB drive (becasue of space). When I run thunderbird,app ask me, that there is no prifile and if I want to make new one?

Can you please help me, how can I get this data back.

TBird crashes on T-one 8Gig HDD

Submitted by 3Designer on May 31, 2006 - 5:15pm

I moved my Portable Apps to an 8 GB T.One USB 2.0 HDD ( some time ago and everything seemed to work well. About a week ago, Portable TBird started to crash upon application start.

Interestingly enough, I've also installed the portable version of TB for Mac OS X, and that application still works on the HDD without crashing.

I upgraded to the newest version of PTB, I downgraded to an earlier version, and finally I installed to the 1 GB Thumbdrive I used to use my portable apps on (but moved to the HDD for space and worry of flash drive fatigue) and everything runs now.

Can't install themes and extensions :(

Submitted by HolyMurderer on May 30, 2006 - 3:30pm

Hi there!

My latest portable Thunderbird has a big problem. I cannot install any theme or extension. I use Windows XP Pro SP2, but it happens on all computers I have, even in Linux one, using the profile I use in windows. If I drag & drop, or click install and select xpi or jar file, the theme/extension window remains blank... what can be causing this?

Any idea?

Thanks for your time.
