PortableThunderBird and Encryption Question
Hello All,
I have a question regarding the Data directories of the PortableApps applications... I know that keeping the path names for everything relative is the major bonus with these applications, however, I have a situation where I would like to move the data directory to an absolute path. Is this possible?
My reasoning is this...
I have a usb key which I carry everywhere with PortableFirefox and PortableThunderbird, also I have an encrypted file which mounts as a drive when decrypted (using TrueCrypt software, which is free open-source and excellent). This file decrpyts always to the same drive letter (x:) and holds personal information. At present I can move emails to the by changing the 'local directory' in account settings but still there are address books and more concerningly openPGP secret keys within the data directory of the unencrypted section of the usb drive. The same occurs with PortableFirefox where Internet History, passwords and cookies all remain accesible without decrypting.