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Thunderbird Portable

Inside an encrypted drive,can TB standard replace TB portable? (plus other questions)

Submitted by paololombardi on January 6, 2007 - 11:31am

I've been using Truecrypt for some years,and inside the encrypted drive (which is just a 2gb file stored on an external USB drive) I manage as "portable apps" Eudora Pro, Palm Desktop and Oxygen Nokia Phone Manager.
I have all my emails sent/received since 1996, for all my 14 accounts.

Now I'd like to move to Thunderbird, since Eudora is not reliable and I have problems in character encoding.
I could wait the next release of Eudora which should be based on Thunderbird, but I'd like to start moving to new mailbox format now.

Newsgroup settings

Submitted by izazivac on January 3, 2007 - 5:32pm

I can't find the answer(I swear I use search) on the two question:

1.How to set up TBP to show full name of subscrbied groups
2.How to set up to show subscribed groups on opening(without clik + )

Many thanks in advance

Assume this in local TB

// Don't abbreviate newsgroup names:
user_pref("mail.server.default.abbreviate", true);

// Remember news server states in folder pane:
user_pref("news.persist_server_open_state_in_folderpane", true);

But where to put in TBP?

engimail laguange changer?

Submitted by nnx on January 2, 2007 - 9:02pm

The laguange switcher for ThunderbirdPortable works very well. But it won`t change enggimail`s laguange. Is it possible to change it aswell?

Can I just install a equal version of engiail in my native laguange? Should this work?

Couldn`t find that on the support page.

Problem with Freecap/Sockscap, ThuderbirdPortable can be sockified, EngimailPortable not

Submitted by nnx on January 2, 2007 - 8:59pm

Well, this is a very special problem.
Sometimes I need to route my traffic tough a socks proxy (nclusive dns requests) and I can`t use Thunderbirds internal Proxy settings cause the dns requests won`t work. Solution: I start first Freecap or Sockscap. With Freecap/Sockscap I start Thunderbird. All traffic (inclusive dns requests) goes thought the socks proxy then. It works without any problems for mail and for firefox aswell.

But not with engimail. With Freecap it will sa can`t find gpg.exe and with Sockscap it finds them and executes them in foreground (not in backround) and nothing will work.

[bugreport] engimail GnuPG executable path

Submitted by nnx on January 2, 2007 - 8:50pm


I am using ThunderbirdPortable with engimail.

OpenPGP -> preferences (folder name is rgo):
It is D:\Programme\Thunderbird\ano,go\App\gpg\gpg.exe
Should be D:\Programme\Thunderbird\ano\rgo\App\gpg\gpg.exe

OpenPGP -> preferences (folder name is go):
It is D:\Programme\Thunderbird\ano\go\App\gpg\gpg.exe

What`s the problem? The \r seams to make problems. It`s then ,go and not rgo for example but it should be rgo.

It`s just a little bug and can be work around if you are not using \r. But I guess that`s just a s

Lost account settings

Submitted by StumpManNC on January 2, 2007 - 8:35am

I recently went to load Thunderbird Portable, and it asked for account setup information. All my previous information was gone.

Now, everytime Thunderbird starts it asks for account information again.

Is there a setting pointing to a wrong location, or a corrupted file that could be causing this?

I've checked thru the forums and have been unable to find the answer. If I missed it, I do apologize.

master password corrupted

Submitted by dcrefugee2 on December 23, 2006 - 3:52pm

My master password function is corrupted. It asks for my master password when sending and receiving however it also asks for my pop and smtp passwords for each account every time. This occurs even if I select "have master password remember your password". Any suggestions as to remedy this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Problems with proxy in Thunderbird portable

Submitted by NetNut404 on December 21, 2006 - 2:01pm

Ok, we have an automatic proxy url here, and I got firefox portable to work putting that in.. and to get gaim portable to work, I took the output from the automatic proxy url to get some manual proxy info, and that worked.. but when I put in either the manual proxy or automatic proxy in Thunderbird.. it does not work..
It fails to connect.. I am connecting to my own imap server, so I troubleshooted a little.. I can use putty with the same proxy info to telnet a port and monitor on the firewall on the other end, and see the connection attempt being made.. but when I try thunderbird.. the connection attempt is never reaching the server with the same proxy settings.. I ever tried using the IP address of the server to get around name resolutions possibilities.. Oh.. another thing I tried.. I even forwarded the port on the firewall to another obsure port number just in case port 993 was blocked or something.. but that did not help.. Ideas?!?! I am just out of ideas..
