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uTorrentPortable_3.0_Build_25440 leaves trash all over the place!

Submitted by ._. on July 16, 2011 - 4:23am

I don't know what is going on with uTorrentPortable these days..
but the past 2 releases have been leaving trash all over my computer ..

Here's a list for the latest build; i use this in CCleaner to clean up after every usage:

[Fixed] Launcher Starts Only Once When RunLocally=true

Submitted by Aluísio A. S. G. on July 12, 2011 - 1:04pm

When Live Mode is enabled through AppNamePortable.ini and the media is not truly read-only, the launcher will not start the next time due to it believing that another instance is starting.

The reason is due to the "starting" status being written right in the initialization, but the runtime data file location is moved (to the local disk) later, and the original file is not updated anymore.
In the next start, that file will be read again and, as the status wasn't updated, it will abort.

In other words, this is the perpetual content of the file:

Lost data settings when opening data-files (torrents, mp3's, etc)

Submitted by ujjain on July 10, 2011 - 8:40am

When I made a shortcut on my desktop and changed the path to open in, Firefox lost all settings. Most settings were still there when opening via PortableApps, but some were lost.

Same for opening torrent files, I set it to use uTorrentPortable as default application, but this only works when

How can I open files properly with Portable apps? I don't want to load all programs when there is no need to, but I'd like to be easily able to open text-documents (notepad++), music (coolplayer), torrents (utorrent), password-files (keepass).

SeaMonkey Portable won't start after auto-update with the 2.0 platform

Submitted by DaveZ on July 9, 2011 - 1:48pm

Seeing that there was a new version available, I just updated SeaMonkey using the "Manage Apps" - "Check For Updates" function in the PortableApps platform 2.0 beta 5 and now SeaMonkey will not start. I get the following error message:
Error: Platform version '2.0.1' is not compatible with
minVersion >= 5.0

Odd permissions based problems with uTorrent Portable on Windows 7

Jason404's picture
Submitted by Jason404 on July 4, 2011 - 11:20am

I have been using uTorrent Portable on Windows Server, until now, and it has worked fine.

Recently I have tried using it on Windows 7, from the default user account made on installation. However, it gives and error when I try to download anything- 'Error:Access is denied'.

When I run uTorrent as an elevated administrator from the same account, it does download successfully, but it downloads into the user download folder for the local 'Administrator' account, which is disabled (as is default).
