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PokerTH outdated description.

Submitted by 8ball on June 13, 2010 - 5:31pm

"PokerTH Portable is a classic Texas Hold Em style poker game. With support for up to 6 networked or computer players, custom avatars, custom cards, online chat, sound and an easy-to-use graphical interface, it's sure to provide hours of fun play."

Version 0.7.1 supports up to 10 players.

it also supports Custom Tables. that is not mentioned in the description.

Notepad ++ v.5.6.8 - Plugin Manager problem

Submitted by George Yves on June 13, 2010 - 1:23pm

I can't normally start Notepad++.

One day I was prompted that new updates for plugins are available. I clicked the button to install them. A box appeared saying that Plugin Manager should be updated first. I agreed.

After installation I was asked if I wanted to restart the program to complete the installation process. I agreed again but nothing happened and the program didn't restart automatically. I closed the program manually and restarted it. When the window opened a box appeared saying that there are still some pending actions to complete installing or removing some plugins.


Submitted by tjsizemore6@Gma... on June 12, 2010 - 7:12pm

I'm experiencing the following error when attempting to install Skype
"Skype Portable | Installer
The installer was unable to download Skype. The installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it. (ERROR: SendRequest Error)"

Additionally, the following error is displayed when attempting to launch Skype:
"Skype Portable |
Skype Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: Skype.exe could not be found)"

Defrag without requiring "administrator privileges"?!

Submitted by Olivier Loefgren on June 9, 2010 - 3:41am


I so much looked forward to defragging a slow computer on my "work", but this (in this case Jkdefrag - which I really like) didn´t work. Later I read this on this website:

"Like all defragmentation programs, JkDefrag Portable requires administrator privileges. If run from a normal account, it will automatically prompt for an admin username and password."

Is there any possibility of getting a defragger that doesn´t need any "administrator privilegies"? Maybe something to develop?

Yours, sincerely

Olivier Loefgren, Halmstad, Sweden

Poker TH portable - Log file not created

Submitted by 8ball on June 8, 2010 - 3:03pm

I selected in settings to log files to default folder on my flash drive:
7 days
Action (high disk access)

I played 1 match - no Log file Sad

I changed the place for logs to a local folder, played an online match - no Log created Beee

is this a known issue ?
Can someone please test this ?

Turn on logs with default settings -7days-Action

Seamonkey crash leads to mixed-up profiles

Submitted by Soulmech on June 8, 2010 - 2:14am

I switched from Firefox to Seamonkey due to Sage not being actively developed, and now I'm staying with it. While I had it installed locally for a few months, I switched to Portable so that I could keep current with email and RSS feeds when I wasn't on my own computer.

A while back, Seamonkey crashed for some goofy reason. When I opened it again later, things seemed fine.

I rebooted again later and, after opening Seamonkey again, found that an old newsgroups account I had created and deleted came back, and some feeds that I had added afterward were missing.

Virtual Magnifying Glass

AEN007's picture
Submitted by AEN007 on June 5, 2010 - 11:09am


The VMG portable version seems to have a bug.
I checked out the VMG bug trackers @ sourceforge and found nothing.
This bug seems to be specific to the portable version.
When VMG is memory resident, VMG interferes with the Alt-Ctrl combo
even if the Alt-Ctrl combo is disabled in VMG.
One can not use any Alt-Ctrl hotkeys.
I find the VMG portable version unusable therefore.

[Fixed] BPBible language switching

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on June 3, 2010 - 4:40am

I just discovered a small bug inside BPBible:
After I manually switch the language to german, it restarts. after that, the bible names are in africaans, the first item on the list. It would be great if they could be switched to german too in accordance with the main program language.

I know this is a BPBible issue, but as Chris is here often I thought I post it and he can pass it on.

aMSN-Can't receive offline messages

Submitted by freekarol on May 30, 2010 - 3:29pm

I can't receive offline messages from a Pidgin user. This happens when I have set up "Don't ask for confirmation when sending/receiving Offline Messages." When I cancel this setting then it appears a window saying: "You have x new Offline Instant Messages. Do you want to read them?" When I click on "Yes" then nothing happens. Don't you happen to know what's wrong? Thanks a lot for your help.
