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Language Problem with Google Chrome.

Submitted by d_byrnes on April 17, 2010 - 2:39pm

I have downloaded the installer, and installed and deleted twice because of the following problem. I am in Costa Rica, a Spanish speaking country, and have to use internet cafe's most of my needs. These all have Spanish versions of Windows, but I speak English, so I want English apps. I wanted to try Chrome on my flash drive, so I installed and specified English as the installation language. However...when I start the program, it is in Spanish, and there is no way to change this in the options.

Java Portable unable to use next-gen Java plugin?

Submitted by Soulmech on April 14, 2010 - 11:03am

I was looking through my Java settings to make sure that Seamonkey was using Java off the thumb drive and not off of C: and when I did, I noticed that it was still running the old version of the Java plugin. I tried changing it to the new one, and it told me that it would be unable to change because I had a browser window open.

So I closed Seamonkey and made sure that it was closed by checking Processes in Task Manager. I tried it again though, and it still told me I had a browser open, which I didn't. Is this a bug in Java Portable or did I mess something up?

Didn't Receive Forum updates via email

Udagama's picture
Submitted by Udagama on April 13, 2010 - 11:42am

When i post a questions in Portable apps Forum and someone give answerer for it i didn't receive notification email. so i have to check if someone give solution to my problem i have to visit this forum.

How do i scribe, Reply and someone posted solutions for my questions via my email?
sorry my poor English.

I expect favorable reply!

SongbirdPortable and Add-ons

Submitted by DarknessLyte on April 12, 2010 - 6:22pm

Hi, I've been using SongbirdPortable for a while now, and have come to a wall... I want to be able to only use my songbird for browsing (I have FirefoxPortable and want to switch over), but I don't want to go without my bookmarks... I'm trying to port extensions in (namely fast dial, or speed dial), and am following the instructions at this page, but I can't find "mainScriptsOverlay.xul".

[False positive] Assault Cube (Malware.Packer.Gen) help

Submitted by Bigtom71291 on April 9, 2010 - 1:43pm

sorry if this is in the wrong section their wasn't a Assault Cube forum

but anyways i scanned my flash drive with Malwarebytes and it came up with

Malware.Packer.Gen for the file DbgHelp_RemoveThisPartIfOnWin98.DLL

at first i thought it something i had done so i deleted assault cube and then i re-installed it but it came up again with the same file

it could just be a FP and if so i will report it to MBAM

[Moved to Other Apps Support forum and labelled as false positive - mod Chris]

When UPdating Dev Channel PORTABLE version of Chrome..ALSO how about/how will THIS UPdating, affect the Portable STABLE v?

sweepsnregs's picture
Submitted by sweepsnregs on April 9, 2010 - 10:20am

I installed 2 VersionS of Google Chrome, one is the Dev Channel @ (The other is the Portable STABLE Chrome version.)

So when it comes time to update the Dev Channel PORTABLE version with newer DEV CHANNEL version, will it keeps all the EXTENSIONs I installed from the older version? (How will this action, affect the Portable STABLE version?)

THANKS forward to your answer,

[Closed] uTorrent 2.0 is NOT a portable application

Submitted by crysis2 on April 9, 2010 - 9:22am

Hi to all,
this message to inform that uTorrent is NOT a portable application.
Please update the site about it, thanks.

The problem is the following:
when creating a new torrent job using uTorrentPortable from usb stick, on a PC, it is not possible to run the job in another usb stick or PC, then.
In fact, when plugging the usb stick on another PC, the torrent job is invalidated.
The only workaround is to delete the job and create a new one for this PC.
Everybody who is not new to the torrent technology knows how this is painful..
