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LBreakout2 improvements

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on April 26, 2010 - 6:14am

Ideas for improvement:

Other than that it would be great if we could find someone to compile the latest version on windows. The latest Sourcecode is 2.6.1.
The latest version is localised and has some bug fixes (including the sound issue)!

And as dboki89 pointed out, the graphics could use an overhaul. As far as I can tell, they are all included in the game and can be easily edited.

Changing NP++ Settings Don't Persist?

Submitted by garybiscuit on April 23, 2010 - 2:58pm

I just started using NP++ Portable, and - unless I'm doing something wrong - it doesn't look like it's saving the preference changes I've made after I've closed the program and opened it again.


1) I open Notepad++ Portable
2) I go to SETTINGS > STYLE CONFIGURATOR... > LANGUAGE: PERL > (Change the syntax highlighting of scalars from ORANGE to BLUE
3) Click SAVE & CLOSE
4) Close Notepad++ Portable
5) Re-open Notepad++ Portable

When it's re-opened, the syntax highlighting for scalars in Perl is back to being ORANGE.

Updating protables

Submitted by therock003 on April 23, 2010 - 10:13am

I'm refering to portable application in general that are published via this site, but especially i am concerned to the mozilla products.

Will there be any problems to update the portables installions via the in-menu options or if the program itself prompts you, like firefox and thunderbird do when new version is available?

notepad++ not opening multiple files when multi-selecting using windows explorer

Submitted by tolland on April 22, 2010 - 8:17am


I have updated to the current version of portableapps and notepad++ portable.

The problem is that if I select (using shift or ctrl) multiple files in windows explorer and then use the "open with->notepad++ portable" menu option, only 1 file is opened.

If I use a standalone installed version of notepad++ this seems to work ok and all the selected files are opened. any suggestions?


Google Chrome: Saving location changed Locally

Stevoisiak's picture
Submitted by Stevoisiak on April 20, 2010 - 5:38pm

I was using Google Chrome on my PC, when I noticed something strange. The folder browser's beginning save spot (I have it set to ask me where to save every time) was on my flashdrive.

I was using Google Chrome Portable earlier, and was saving to my flashdrive. After a little testing, I confirmed it. Google Chrome Portable was altering the default save selection.

AssaultCube Errors: system.dll, newadvsplash.dll

undrline's picture
Submitted by undrline on April 19, 2010 - 1:05pm

Company uses Cisco Security Agent to defend against malware on their machines. Wanted to play AssaultCube in my offtime on my company laptop using Portable Apps File. CSA blocks AC with the messages:

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\nse11AC.tmp\newadvsplash.dll'. The attempted access was a write (operation = OPEN/WRITE). The operation was denied.

attempted to access '%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp\nse11AC.tmp\System.dll'. The attempted access was a write (operation = OPEN/WRITE). The operation was denied.
