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Bonkenc - Is something wrong here?

Submitted by GrahamG on July 5, 2010 - 1:46pm

Nowhere obvious to post this, so decided to go for General. Downloaded Platform 2.0 beta to take it for a spin and Bonkenc was my first install as it's a great FLAC ripper.

Was using the latest install version (1.0.15) until earlier today, but gave up - the ripping now takes an age, much longer than the previous version (1.0.14). That led to me thinking, "download the PA version instead". I noticed this was released just a few days ago.

[Closed] Installer 2.02

Submitted by shanet on July 5, 2010 - 11:51am

AdvancedExtract1Filter not valid.

I type the following string into the installer.ini file and the installer renders it an invalid variable/constant and deletes it.


I thought maybe I was doing it wrong so I tried the following:


and recieve the same message.
The following is part of the log:

 unknown variable/constant "{AdvancedExtract1Filter}" detected, ignoring (macro:_==:1)

Google Chrome - Loading Local and Portable at the same time

Submitted by iHavezMyBirdo on July 5, 2010 - 3:31am

Hey, I just have a quick question.
So, first I open up Google Chrome Portable. Then, while Google Chrome Portable is still running, I run the Chrome from the local Chrome. The local Chrome does not have the portable settings, bookmarks, etc. It's all the machine's stuff. Is having them both running at the same time safe?

[Chrome] Force local temp

Submitted by Vincent13 on July 1, 2010 - 7:22am


Excuse my english Blum
For my school, I would like to run ChromePortable from a network folder : The folder is "read only", and Chrome ask of course to "temporaly copy it to the local drive and tun it from there".

My question :
- Can I force the path of this temp folder in a command line ?
In exemple : ...\apps\GoogleChromePortable.exe -t "U:\User\Chrome-Temp"

...and in a 'silent' (invisible) mode.

Thank you.

Chrome Portable not able to decrypt passwords

horusofoz's picture
Submitted by horusofoz on July 1, 2010 - 6:52am

Today Chrome Portable has started giving a unable to decrypt passwords message when starting. However Chrome is still opening and from appearances does have my passwords.

Previously I received this message when I typed in my master password incorrectly. In those instances Chrome wouldn't start. Now however it does and does seem to have access to my passwords.

The only two changes that I've made that might have caused this are Angel I made a backup copy of Chrome which would have copied the encrypted file and (b) I downgraded my home PC from Windows 7 to Windows XP for a course I'm doing.

[Fixed] PChat Portable

Submitted by Mark Sikkema on June 30, 2010 - 1:52am

PChat Portable 1.1 is still using PAL beta 3 as a launcher, which had a few bugs concerning secondary-launches and crashes if PortableApps.comLauncherRuntimeData.ini is left behind in the Data folder.

Another thing, is it intended that if secondary-launched, PChat launches a second instance instead of just focusing the current instance of PChat?

Chrome Doesn't Open (from local disk)

Submitted by Terrorform on June 29, 2010 - 12:57pm

I just reformatted and reinstalled my OS (Win XP Pro SP3) and I planned on using mostly portable apps to keep my hard drive cleaner. First I installed Google Chrome Portable (5.0.375.86) but I can never get it to open. I double-click on the icon and nothing happens. I checked the Task Manager and I might see the process open for a second but then it goes away. The weird thing is that I can run the same version off a USB flash drive. I even copied that folder on to my hard drive and it wouldn't open.

Is this app programmed not to open from a local hard drive?
