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DVDStyler Portable leaving empty folders behind

Submitted by repolad on March 18, 2010 - 6:43am

The latest version of DVDStyler Portable is creating the following folders but does not remove them when closing the program:

C:\Documents and Settings\{username}.thumb
C:\Documents and Settings\{username}.thumb\fail
C:\Documents and Settings\{username}.thumb\normal


While it's not a big deal I was a little irritated to see that happening with a a PortableApp.

Notepad++ Plugin Manager is bugged

Submitted by temp4746 on March 14, 2010 - 1:24pm

When you use the Notepad++ Plugin Manager and it needs a restart in order to apply the changes clicking yes in the restart dialog will silently fail, the dialog dissappears and Notepad++ doesn't restart this causes this dialog to appear again and again each time you start Notepad++ and I think it also doesn't install the update because of this.

I'm not sure whats causing it whether it might be saving the downloaded plugins in the wrong location or maybe because the launcher causes it to fail to restart itself for some reason.

Chrome 4 - extension don't work on different PC

Submitted by Livin on March 13, 2010 - 3:38pm

On my laptop I installed the portable installer (from this site) and installed many extensions & all was fine until...

I tried to use the same install on my desktop (PortableApps folder syncs between laptop & desktop) - it shows the extnesion when I open the Extension tab but none of them show on the menu bar (at top) and none are actually working even though they show enabled.

Any ideas?

Chrome searches URLs

Submitted by Llewyne on March 12, 2010 - 3:40am

Chrome doesn't recognize URLs I type in the address bar. Only suggested URLs can be visited. Any other URL is treated as a search keyword. Even when I copy an URL from one tab and paste it in another, it doesn't work!

The only way I have been able to visit other URLs is by making a new bookmark and typing in the URL there.

I don't have this problem with normal (not portable) Google Chrome.
Is this a known issue?

Adding a 2X-Terminal Server Connection

Submitted by whynot on March 9, 2010 - 11:25am

In our company we use Windows Clients which are accessed via RDP.
Now i wanted to get connection via the 2X-Client. As the help-screen tells me i have to add a new Terminal Server Connection by pressing "add a new Terminal Server Connection" in the "File"-menu. But there is no such entry. I was trying Version 8.0.827 from the portableapps-page as well as Version 7.3.768 from the applicaten-page (the portable apps version). Neither had the needed entry. What did i wrong ?!

Help is appreciated

thanks in advance

Virus found in XenonPortable

Submitted by eltonbrad on March 6, 2010 - 8:20am

Hi all,

I don't know if I'm posting this in the right area, but if I'm not, please feel free to move it.

I had my AVG Free AntiVirus 9.0.733 set up to do a scheduled scan of my computer (of internal and external hard drives) and I came on tonight and found it picked up 17 viruses. All 16 are in the XenonPortable_1.5.0.1.paf.exe and the 17th one was the XenonPortable_1.5.0.1.paf.exe file itself.
