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Cornice Can't Read Post-Picasa JPGs

Submitted by weweda on October 22, 2008 - 12:46pm

On my machine Cornice cannot read up, display, or otherwise handle any JPG that has been output by Picasa 2. It throws up error msgs whenever it encounters one. JPGs straight from my camera it can display, as well as other graphic formats (BMP, GIF, etc.). Disappointing, as I was looking forward to a small footprint viewer.

(Sorry, but, I couldn't locate a Support listing for Cornice amongst the others.)

PNotes Scheduling

dagardner's picture
Submitted by dagardner on October 22, 2008 - 9:11am

Setting a repeat every 7 days doesn't seem to work; I have never seen the notice appear for that note. When I look at the Control Panel, the Schedule Type for the note says "Repeat every: 00:00:00", which has not mention of the day.

On a related note, would it be possible to add a setting for the initial time? I assume that the initial time right now is the current time, right?

Thanks for the great program,


Infrarecorder CD copy method

Submitted by metalboy on October 19, 2008 - 11:33am

I was posting at the help page and a user suggested I as here for help because there is no help over there.

I find the copy method strange, is this correct or am I doing something wrong? I am coping with source and target the same drive. I insert the source first and I cannot seem to get the copy disk option to work. But, if I insert my target disk first I am prompted to insert the source disk and it seems to work fine is that normal?

Notepad++ Portable gave me some spyware

Submitted by Killroy7777 on October 19, 2008 - 2:10am

As you read from the title, Notepad++ Portable gave me some spyware. I've tested this out with a few anti virus software and they all give me the same results, and I have downloaded it several times. I don't think that it really is but here's the details I get:

nsB4.tmp has been blocked from creating a new process.

So if you could tell me what is up it would be awesome.

Eraser without administrative rights

Submitted by nttuzydupcpm on October 17, 2008 - 2:01pm

Several times I've tried to use Eraser to erase the empty spaces on my work hard drive, and Eraser seems to comply until I look at the report. There it says that I don't have administrative rights.

Is there any way to avoid this problem, preferably with Eraser? I'm trying to leave a clean hard drive and erase past tracks.

Cornice: EXIF > Image > Orientation = BROKEN in "Preview"

Submitted by imag2 on October 16, 2008 - 12:35am

Hmm... it appears the application is not properly handling EXIF > Image > Orientation values correctly (see for an explanation of these values). Currently, portrait-orientation photos stored in landscape mode, but with EXIF orientation tags to compensate, are displayed upside-down within Cornice's preview window.

They are also shown on their side in the thumbnail mode, which is an inconvenience, but not a show-stopper. :/

[Fixed] Notepad++ Portable Leaves Local Directory On Crash

Submitted by sethviii on October 13, 2008 - 4:01pm

I am using Notepad++ Portable v5.0.3 on Windows XP Pro on a SanDisk Flash Drive (U3 removed).

I do not know how I got Notepad++ Portable to crash, but when it did, it attempted to recover unsaved data. It did this successfully, the only issue is that it put the recovered data in C:\N++RECOV\File024.dump, not on my flash drive. Not a major problem for me, but I it might be depending on what was left behind in the dump file. I have not found a setting to change where to dump is put but thought this might really be a portable apps issue?

Thank you.


LightScreen configuration

Submitted by Esgrimidor on October 13, 2008 - 5:40am

I would like LightScreen send screenshots to the desktop (escritorio)

I tried with %USERPROFILE%\Escritorio (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop ) with no results in the field directory in the window Options-Lightscreen

I don't know how to put the environment variable to be recognized by the field directory in the configuration ligthscreen window.

Excuse my language. I'm from Canary Islands
